Pippo Baudo his luxurious castle is on the Saracen Coast

Pippo Baudo, his luxurious castle is on the Saracen Coast | That’s why it’s called that Sicilianews24

Pippo Baudo - sicilianews24.itPippo Baudo – sicilianews24.it – Source: Web

The luxurious castle of Pippo Baudo is located on the Saracen coast: this explains why it is definitely called “Castle of Pippo Baudo”.

Pippo Baudo was one of the symbols of Italian television and also about his Sicily, which he loves so much. The well-known presenter, who has collected numerous records, including the most Sanremo festivals, is still very popular with audiences, although you almost never see it on TV. In recent years he seems to have taken a well-deserved rest after many years of success.

No one can keep up with his figure, which always remains unique in the popular imagination. Pippo Baudo is a very talented presenter who has always received great recognition recognition from the public who never let him down. Iconic figure of all of Italy; There is a castle in his land, the ownership of which is attributed to him.

They call it Pippo Baudo Castle, it’s there along the SS 114, which connects Catania with Augusta and there are quite a few who attribute ownership of it to the moderator. Even if you look at it from a distance, you can admire its majesty and enjoy breathtaking views at both sunrise and sunset.

A building that actually arouses a lot of curiosity in anyone who looks at it from a distance. Definitely worth a visit.

Pippo Baudo’s Castle

It’s about the Agnone Mansion and is rightly one of the monumental pearls of eastern Sicily. A fortress on the Sicilian Saracen Coast, a diamond not only for its island but for all of Italy. Popularly it is called Pippo Baudo’s Castle, but in reality it is a building it never belonged to the presenter.

This saying seems to have come about because he was one of the first to talk about it within one of his television plays and he gave this one Notoriety to the place that many still consider to be his castle. But the story behind it is completely different.

Pippo Baudo Castle - sicilianews24.itPippo Baudo Castle – sicilianews24.it – Source: Web

The truth about the structure that gets people talking so much

The reality is that the castle would belong to him Giuliano Lentini family. The construction, which as you can see is still unfinished, would have been suspended due to the construction bans ordered by the authorities. It was 1970 when the project was stopped.

Despite its incompleteness, the castle is still a reminder of this today curiosity by many people who can admire his majesty. In all likelihood exactly the right thing Legend regarding his property would have fueled the fame of the place.

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