World Media Congress: The Path to Revolutionizing the Media Industry

Ana Alvarez Guerrero, Abel Padrón Padilla

44 minutes ago

The World Media Congress featured stands showcasing the latest technologies for the media industry. Photo: Abel Padrón Padilla/Cubadebate

The Global Media Congress, held November 14-16 in the capital of the United Arab Emirates, marked the path the media should take in the near future. Technology, innovation and artificial intelligence have been recognized as advantages – and challenges – that must be taken into account when practicing truthful journalism and with codes that enable public attention.

On the one hand, they are essential for the development of creative content and audience monitoring, but on the other hand, they represent a loophole for misinformation, a phenomenon that we have seen in recent years with the rise of social networks.

The Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center brought together thousands of people whose goal was to revolutionize the media industry. The representation of all continents gave the event added value: camaraderie, the exchange of experiences, technologies and knowledge were core values ​​in this global forum.

More than 70 exhibitors were present at the Global Media Congress. Photo: Abel Padrón Padilla/Cubadebate

The United Arab Emirates’ interest in strategic alliances with Latin American media became clear here. That’s why dozens of people from this continent with a connection to the industry traveled as visitors, guests and exhibitors.

Nicolás Schonfeld, managing director of Latin American Television, said: “I am happily surprised by such an event and also by the representativeness of Latin America.” “It seems to me very good that Latin America is in situations that it was not in years ago existed.”

He also emphasized the influence that artificial intelligence has on our region. “It is often used to spread fake news, an issue exploited by the Latin American right. “It is a challenge for us to eliminate that and find a way to use artificial intelligence to represent the reality of our territories,” he emphasized.

Nicolás Schonfeld, managing director of Latin American Television, an organization that has also signed a strategic alliance with the WAM news agency. Photo: Abel Padrón Padilla/Cubadebate

At the World Media Congress we also spoke with Rita Vázquez, director of the Panamanian newspaper La Prensa, who explained that it is important to understand what is happening on the other side of the world in media “that have a similar profile to us.” “It is also important because you learn about technology, mindsets and business processes,” he commented.

“The media industry is facing a critical moment, especially with the arrival of new technologies in our everyday work, and that is why it is extremely important to see what others are doing and how they are adapting to innovations.” We cannot do that from our countries. We have to go out, see and learn how others do it,” he added.


Mohammed Jalal Al Rayssi, Director General of Emirates News Agency (WAM), at a press conference. Photo: Abel Padrón Padilla/Cubadebate

Mohammed Jalal Al Rayssi, Director General of Emirates News Agency (WAM), one of the organizers of this forum, pointed out the authenticity of this event as it brings together people from all over the world with the aim of promoting communication and mutual learning.

In this way, he stressed, the UAE would be consolidated as a global center to advance the future of the media industry.

“The World Media Congress has once again brought together executives, decision-makers and executives from renowned media institutions from around the world to successfully shape the future of the global media industry. “Through coordinated efforts and the productive exchange of creative concepts and innovative technological solutions,” he said.


Sport and the way of reporting/telling about it were at the center of the debates. Photo: Abel Padrón Padilla/Cubadebate

The Global Media Congress allowed us to recognize up close innovative projects being developed in the media industry in an exhibition trade fair with an area of ​​more than 30,000 square meters and the presence of 77 industry-leading speakers.

In addition, there were transcendental spaces for analyzing the future of media with a focus on artificial intelligence: Education Stage, Co-Production Majlis, Innovation Stage, NexTech and Future Media Lab.

This is where approaches and different cultures met. Photo: Abel Padrón Padilla/Cubadebate.

Awarded for innovative suggestions during the Global Media Congress. Photo: Abel Padrón Padilla/Cubadebate

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