EspacoXquotStarshipquot Elon Musk also exploded on the second test flight

EspaçoX"Starship" Elon Musk also exploded on the second test flight

11/18/2023 4:28 pm (current 11/18/2023 5:03 pm)

Elon Musk "Starship" it also exploded on the second test flight.

Elon Musk’s “Starship” also exploded on its second test flight. ©APA/AFP, AP

The largest rocket system ever built in the history of space also failed to complete a second test flight.

Both stages of the unmanned “Starship” rocket exploded on Saturday, shortly after takeoff from the spaceport in the US state of Texas, as announced by commentators on the space company SpaceX’s live broadcast.

During the first test flight in April, a “Starship” exploded shortly after liftoff – but this test at least reached a few more milestones: just minutes after liftoff, the rocket’s two stages separated. The rocket’s lower stage exploded shortly after and did not land in the Gulf of Mexico as planned. The rocket’s upper stage continued to fly for a while. But then it was said that it had also exploded. In fact, it should have continued to rise and land in the Pacific after about an hour and a half.

“Starship” also exploded during the second test

Exploded on the first try

In mid-April, a “Starship” set off for the first time for an unmanned test launch – and four minutes later it exploded and crashed. Billionaire Elon Musk, whose company SpaceX developed and built the “Starship” rocket system, saw it not as a setback but as an “exciting test launch.”

The US aviation authority FAA investigated the incident and called for numerous improvement measures as a condition for the upcoming start of testing. SpaceX announced that it has implemented numerous improvements and changes. The FAA then gave the green light.

The “Starship” to the Moon and Mars

The “Starship” – made up of the approximately 70 meter long “Super Heavy” booster and the approximately 50 meter long upper stage, also called “Starship” – aims to enable manned missions to the Moon and Mars. The system is designed so that the spacecraft and rocket can be reused after returning to Earth. The system, which is around 120 meters long in total, will be able to transport well over 100 tons of cargo in the future. NASA wants to take astronauts to the Moon with “Starship”. SpaceX hopes to one day reach Mars.