1700346747 Four border crossings between Finland and Russia closed

Four border crossings between Finland and Russia closed


Updated November 18, 2023, 5:15 pm

Four border crossings between Finland and Russia closed

Finland closed four of its nine border crossings with Russia on the night of November 18, 2023. The closure is expected to last three months and, according to the government, is a response to the growing number of migrants that Russia is letting across the border to seek asylum without the necessary documents. © dpa / Vesa Moilanen/Lehtikuva/dpa

Following a surge in the number of migrants, Finland closed four of its nine border crossings with Russia on Saturday night. Border guards said the affected stations were Vaalimaa, Nuijamaa, Imatra and Niirala in the southeast of the country. Only the Vainikkala crossing meant for trains is expected to remain open in the area.

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The closure is expected to last three months and, according to the government, is a response to the growing number of migrants. Helsinki accuses Russia of allowing people to cross the border without the necessary documents to seek asylum. Asylum applications are now only accepted at the Salla and Vartius border stations, hundreds of kilometers further north. Finland announced the change on Thursday.

On Friday, the number of asylum seekers without sufficient travel documents increased significantly again. According to the Finnish border guard in the southeast of the country, 163 asylum seekers were registered. This was more than double the entire previous week. © dpa

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