Cecchettin Paola Cortellesi revives Gramellinis appeal to Meloni and Schlein

Cecchettin: Paola Cortellesi revives Gramellini’s appeal to Meloni and Schlein

Paola Cortellesi goes to the scene to call on politicians to take stronger action against violence against women. The actress and director, who in recent weeks has achieved record success at the box office with her debut film “There’s Still Tomorrow” (which grosses almost 20 million euros this weekend), focused precisely on a gender story of violence and female emancipation at the same time, published In her Instagram stories she once again made the appeal that Massimo Gramellini made to Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schlein yesterday in the program “In altre parole” on La7 and in which the journalist said: “Argue about what you are.” But on the subject of violence against women: No! Approve these reforms immediately and approve them together.”

But Cortellesi isn’t the only one taking a stand. From Chiara Ferragni to Laura Pausini, from Gianluigi Nuzzi to Simona Ventura, Barbara D’Urso and Fiorella Mannoia, many celebrities who, alongside ordinary people – teachers, students, workers – on social media surround Elena, Giulia Cecchettin’s sister, flock, The missing girl, whose body was found yesterday in the Barcis Lake area, shared the post she made with harsh, loving and sad words with her brother Davide (“We love you”).

“A strong and warm hug to you and your father,” writes Laura Pausini. Gianluigi Nuzzi comments: “We are always here to talk about these tragedies, to formulate new laws, to be parents, and then you hear ‘that good boy’, evil exists.” Come on Elena, a hug on your father and your grandmother. Simona Ventura, like Giulia, symbolically apologizes to all the victims: “I’m sorry if we couldn’t protect you, I’m sorry if it happens every time and every time we cry, but then we can’t live the many lives like you rescue.”

Alba Parietti asks for forgiveness in a long reflection published on Instagram: “Giulia, forgive yourself, you and all the women killed at the hands of a man incapable of accepting the end of a story, incapable of Being men, we mothers, fathers, school and society, state, institutions, incapable of writing proper laws to protect and educate you. From today on, everyone must deal with their own conscience and bring something to this hopeless humanity.”

Chiara Ferragni also expresses herself telegraphically. “Unfortunately, every time a woman disappears, we all imagine how it ended. This time we hoped we were wrong. Barbara d’Urso doesn’t hesitate for a moment to write: “We hoped until the end that Giulia would come back, that she left voluntarily.” Today is another sad day for each and every one of us. A hug to the family.”