Lupita Jones warns Mexican investors quotgreat carequot with Miss Universe

Lupita Jones warns Mexican investors "great care" with Miss Universe 2024 due to the announced bankruptcy La Prensa Gráfica

During the closing gala of Miss Universe 2023, it was announced that Mexico will be the next country to host the beauty pageant. This news excited many, but was not entirely pleasant for Mexican Lupita Jones, who won the beauty contest in 1991.

Jones has made live appearances on his social networks urging Mexican businessmen to be careful if they want to get involved in organizing the competition next year.

“Be very careful of all investors who are interested in being there in Mexico, because we already know that the owner of the competition is bankrupt and also there are many articles that accuse her of fraud in various situations,” said he .

On November 10, the competition’s owner, Anne Jakkaphong, asked for support as her businesses were facing cash flow problems.

“JKN Global Group has announced a plan to refinance our debt and turn around our business. “While our working capital is intact and the company will continue to operate as planned, this is a necessary step in our growth to ensure that our debts are paid off and the company remains financially healthy,” the release said.

After her strong warning, the Mexican added: “I hope that things develop positively so that our country takes advantage of this opportunity to present itself globally.”

Jones’ outspoken opinion is controversial due to his conflict with the franchise of the competition in Mexico, of which he is chairman, and the public’s dissatisfaction with his performance amid recent blunders.

Mexican Lupita Jones won the Miss Universe pageant in 1991.

Jones expresses in his live video that everything points to the Mexico Universal project having a new director, although he has not received an official announcement. She claims she chose not to say anything beforehand because “I didn’t want to do or say anything that would affect Melissa’s participation in Miss Universe.”

This year, the representative of the Aztec country was eliminated in the first round and could not get into the 20 finalists. The last crown won by a Mexican was in 2021 with Andrea Meza.