Ciro takes advantage of Massas defeat to attack Lula

Ciro takes advantage of Massa’s defeat to attack Lula

The former presidential candidate also attacked “Kirchnerism” after Javier Milei’s victory in the Argentine elections

Ciro Gomes and Lula

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247 Former presidential candidate Ciro Gomes of the PDT used Javier Milei’s victory in Argentina to attack President Lula, attributing the ultraright’s election to the reaction to what he classified as “ideological garbage” produced by “Lulopetists and Kirchnerists ” was imported from the United States. .

The presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) wins this evening with 55.75% of the votes ahead of the candidate of Unión por la Patria (UXP), Sergio Massa, who receives 44.24%. 98.21% of the votes were counted. PT, Lula’s party, supported Massa.

The victory of rightwing moral populism in Argentina is a clear result of the failure of the incompetent and corrupt populism that governs it, behind a false leftwing discourse and crosseyed identitarianism. There is a complex interplay of old and new causes. There is a complacency in not pursuing deep institutional, political and economic reforms. There is a lack of proper management of the economy. But there is undoubtedly the decisive weight of the ideological garbage exported from the USA and uncritically imported by Lulopetists and Kirchnerists. Let’s wake up while there’s still time!!!