A pro government alliance appoints specialist commissions in the Ecuadorian

A pro government alliance appoints specialist commissions in the Ecuadorian parliament ​​

Quito, November 19 (EFE). – A pro-government alliance in the Ecuadorian Parliament managed this Sunday to approve with an overwhelming majority the creation of the fifteen permanent technical commissions that are part of the National Assembly.

In the second session of the plenary session of the current legislative period and with the consent of 114 deputies (with 22 votes against and one abstention), the National Assembly formed by distribution the fifteen permanent commissions specialized in treatment issues.

The ruling party Diego Matovelle of the National Democratic Action Movement (ADN), led by President-elect Daniel Noboa, presented the application with the names of lawmakers to join these commissions.

It is estimated that in this formation those who are part of the pro-government alliance will have a majority, which was already the case last Friday in the first session of the forum, when the Christian socialist Henry Kronfle was appointed President of the National Assembly .

This alliance consists of the official group ADN, the conservative Social Christian Party (PSC) and the Citizens’ Revolutionary Movement (RC, Correísmo), led by former President Rafael Correa (2007–2017).

The National Assembly, made up of 137 deputies, appointed the members of the commissions in a single vote and their names were proposed by deputy Matovelle in his motion.

The commissions must separately appoint their respective authorities from among the members approved at this Sunday’s meeting.

These are the Commissions on Justice and State Structure; the right to work and social security; the economic and tax system and its regulation and control; for economic, productive and micro-enterprise development; and International Relations and Human Mobility.

Also the Biodiversity and Natural Resources Commissions; for food sovereignty and development of the agricultural and fisheries sectors; of autonomous governments, decentralization, competencies and territorial organization; and education, culture, science and technology, innovation and ancestral knowledge.

Likewise the Commissions for the Right to Health and Sport; transparency, citizen participation and social control; of constitutional guarantees, human rights, collective rights and interculturality; sovereignty, integration and comprehensive security; comprehensive protection for girls, boys and young people; and that of inspection and political control.

This Sunday’s meeting was also scheduled to set up an “Ethics Commission”, but this was not possible as no legislator had submitted proposals, so the President of the Assembly will have to call another meeting for this purpose.

Kronfle adjourned the meeting, allowing the commissions to meet separately to identify their respective powers.

This plenary session of the Ecuadorian Parliament is the second of the current legislative session, which began last Friday and will take place during the term of Noboa as president, who will take command of the country next Thursday.

Noboa was elected to complete the term of office of the outgoing president, the conservative Guillermo Lasso, who last May invoked the so-called “crossed death,” a constitutional figure that allowed him to dissolve the National Assembly at the very moment that the parliamentary one Forum was dissolved with a resolution The opposition majority was closed. was preparing to vote on a motion of no confidence against him as part of a political trial in which he was accused of alleged corruption.

This constitutional mechanism also forced Lasso to shorten his four-year term and to bring forward presidential and parliamentary elections.

In the second and final round of the presidential election (runoff) on October 15, Noboa, son of banana magnate Álvaro Noboa, managed to defeat Luisa González, bishop of former President Rafael Correa.