1700456666 Chinas silent war on fentanyl

China’s silent war on fentanyl

The Chinese government is waging war against the United States and its allies on multiple fronts: propaganda, international institutions or economics. One of the most active fronts appears to be that of synthetic drugs, particularly fentanyl.

By 2023, fentanyl will have killed more Americans than all other drugs combined. With more than 70,000 deaths per year, fentanyl is the leading cause of death in men under 50.

For comparison, fentanyl kills almost as many Americans every year as in World War II (80,000 soldiers die each year).

Fentanyl is so dangerous that the equivalent of 3 or 4 grains of the drug is enough to kill someone. Fentanyl is 100 times stronger than morphine.

  • Listen to international political expert Loïc Tassé on Benoit Dutrizac’s show QUB radio :

tip of the iceberg

Fentanyl is just the tip of the iceberg. Another drug, also made in China, “Frankenstein,” came onto the market a few years ago. It is 40 times more potent than fentanyl. It is so dangerous that just touching it with your fingers can be fatal.

Given the Chinese government’s immense surveillance capabilities, it seems almost impossible that the Chinese authorities do not know who is producing these drugs on their territory.

In recent years, Chinese manufacturers of these drugs have chosen to ship the raw materials used in their production abroad. The Mexican cartels are particularly responsible for their development.

However, the Chinese government is waging a fierce battle against illegal drugs on its territory. Faced with the devastating effects of opium in China in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, the Chinese Communist Party made this struggle one of the foundations of its political program.

This fight was a great success. Why is the Chinese government not taking effective action against illegal fentanyl exports? Could it be that he is happy with the results?

Chinas silent war on fentanyl


In Quebec and Canada

In Canada, fentanyl will be involved in approximately 81% of the nearly 8,000 opioid overdose deaths in 2023. In Quebec, fentanyl accounts for less than a third of opioid overdose deaths.

In most cases, victims were unaware that the product they were consuming contained fentanyl.

Part of the diplomatic fentanyl equation involves China. The other particularly concerns Mexico. In reality, however, neither government appears to be making significant efforts to stop the drug trade.

This silent war, which kills so many people, is extremely humanly and economically costly to the countries suffering from it. So costly that it should become the main theme of our relations with China and Mexico.

Les eaux seront plus agitees pour le Canadien lan prochain