Eduardo Antonio illuminates New York from the screens of Times

Eduardo Antonio illuminates New York from the screens of Times Square

The screens of Times Square on Saturday evening projected their light onto the city, which was illuminated with the image of The Divo from Placetas.

“From Placetas to New York”, Roy García, husband of Eduardo Antoniowhile capturing the moment of surprise in a video that the Divo shared on his social networks.

Eduardo Antonio’s digital banners in Times Square are part of the promotion for the artist, who traveled to the Big Apple for the reception this weekend the award given by the Premios Latinos Fama from New York.

With five different looks, the Divo de Placetas appeared on the screens of the mythical New York enclave as he happily posed on the square, surprising passers-by.

The Cuban artist was honored at the ninth edition of the Latino Fame Awards for his long and extensive artistic career, which spans more than 47 years on stage.

It is obvious that Eduardo Antonio is going through a great time professionally, but above all personally. After recovering from his health problems and returning to the stage in style, the Divo de Placetas is enjoying life with his man.

This Saturday, both wore black pants and a jacket and took an elegant stroll through New York. The Divo took advantage of the opportunity and presented a pair of red glasses that matched his trousers of the same color and were barely visible between the high black boots and long coat he wore.

For his part, Roy García preferred to wear a leather jacket and a black cap, as well as leather boots of that color.

With the beaming expression on his face from his last performances, Eduardo Antonio continues to enjoy the romance with Roy, as he recently said: “We live our film in full color.”