After the owners death a cat is seen comforting his

After the owner’s death, a cat is seen comforting his mother’s broken heart

One “Kitty cat named Harry, 17 years old, recently lost his guardian. However, he “understood” the need to stay strong to comfort his heartbroken mother, 73yearold Theresa Rodgers.

After her stepfather died, 44yearold Barbara Costanzo from Los Angeles, USA, traveled to her mother’s house.

But when she got there, she was surprised by a beautiful scene: Harry had offered Theresa to help him.

“I’m incredibly glad she has Harry by her side when we can’t be here,” Barbara told Newsweek.

Herry comforts Theresa. (@beeheartsyou___)

Barbara couldn’t resist capturing this scene and sharing it with the world to show how helpful Harry was.

What makes this story even more moving is the fact that Harry wasn’t a very sociable cat before 74yearold Mark’s death.

According to Barbara, he avoided contact with anyone.

“Harry used to be very shy. He was affectionate, but he always got nervous when someone new came along or when I visited him,” she told the website.

But now this little cat’s priorities have changed.

“I was surprised at how much his behavior changed. He was no longer nervous or running away when I arrived. His main concern was to stay by my mother’s side,” Barbara added.

“Harry puts his paw on her as if to make sure she’s okay.” (@beeheartsyou___)

She also stated:

“My mother holds Harry like a baby and loves him very much. When she’s doing something else, like reading or watching a show, Harry puts his paw on her. as if he wanted to make sure she was okay.

Check out the video Barbara shared on TikTok (@beeheartsyou___):

Do cats know when their owners are sad?

In an interview with The Dodo, veterinarian Sarah Wooten confirmed: Cats know when their “humans” are upset.

“Cats can definitely sense when you are sad because they are very attuned to your normal behavior and moods and, When there is a change, they notice it“said the vet.

Cats learn many things through trial and error. When a kitten comforts its owner, it probably understands that this particular behavior improves its owner’s mood.

“If they always show the same loving behavior when you are sad or upset, you can assume that You know you’re feeling down and need an emotional pickmeup… and that’s great.

Following the response to the first video, Barbara posted an update thanking Harry and stressing that he had never been so “warm and cuddly.”

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