In Ukraine, a senior government official responsible for cybersecurity was fired on suspicion of embezzlement. The Kiev government announced today that, in addition to Yuri Chchygo, head of an agency that protects government institutions against cyber attacks, his deputy has also been removed from his post.
According to the Anti-Corruption Investigation Agency (SAP) and the National Investigation Agency (NABU), Tschchygo is suspected of having purchased software from a foreign company at excessive prices and embezzling the equivalent of around 1.5 million euros. The funds were transferred abroad to be laundered and distributed to a criminal group to which Chchygo belonged.
Chchygo wants to “prove innocence”
Chchygo denied the allegations. He announced that he wanted to “prove his innocence” in court. In addition to Tschchygo and his former deputy, the investigations are directed against four other public officials, as announced by SAP on the Telegram online service. If convicted, the defendants could face up to six years in prison.
At the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, in February 2022, there were numerous cyber attacks of alleged Russian origin against the Kiev government. However, according to experts, the Ukrainian government managed to defend itself from these attacks via the Internet. As the war progressed, cyber attacks decreased.
Corruption and misappropriation of funds are widespread evils in Ukraine. The leadership in Kiev is trying to take more consistent measures against this situation – also with a view to EU membership.