Election of Javier Milei according to newspaper correspondent quotThe crossquot

Election of Javier Milei: according to newspaper correspondent "The cross" in Argentina, "Argentinians voted for their own executioner" Franceinfo

Published on November 20, 2023 10:30 p.m

Video length: 4 min

Éric Domergue, correspondent for the Argentine newspaper La Croix, is a guest of franceinfo 19/20 to react to the election of Javier Milei at the head of the country.  -

Election of Javier Milei: According to Éric Domergue, correspondent of the Argentine newspaper La Croix, “the Argentinians and Argentinians voted for their own executioner” Éric Domergue, correspondent of the Argentine newspaper La Croix, is a guest of 19/20 Franceinfo reacts to the election of Javier Milei at the top of the country. – (France info)

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Éric Domergue, correspondent for the Argentine newspaper “La Croix”, is a guest of franceinfo 19/20 to react to the election of Javier Milei at the head of the country.

Javier Milei was elected President of Argentina with more than 55% of the vote. Éric Domergue, correspondent for the Argentine newspaper La Croix, is a guest of franceinfo 19/20 to decipher this election. “I have the impression that Argentinians voted for their own executioner. We will see that in the coming months,” he explains. The difference in votes between the two candidates is striking. “The difference is enormous, much bigger than we can imagine,” believes the journalist.

Forty years of democracy in Argentina

Éric Domergue says he is very concerned about both the economic and political aspects. “Symbolic or not, the day Javier Milei comes to power, December 10th, will be the fortieth anniversary of democracy,” he recalls.

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