1700526385 Gratitude and well being UDEP Today UDEP

Gratitude and well being UDEP Today UDEP

Expressing gratitude to others strengthens interpersonal relationships. Showing appreciation and recognition to friends, family and colleagues can strengthen bonds and encourage collaboration.

By Rosa Cornejo Briceño. November 20, 2023. Published in Correo on November 18, 2023.

Gratitude and well being UDEP Today UDEP

Gratitude plays an important role in people’s emotional and mental well-being. In fact, adopting an attitude of constant gratitude has been shown to provide numerous benefits on a holistic level. Here I share some of them:

Improves mood. Gratitude brings feelings of happiness and joy. By appreciating the beauty and goodness in things, people can feel a more optimistic mood.

Reduces anxiety and depression. It acts as a buffer against anxiety and depression. By cultivating positive thoughts and emotions, people can counteract the negative effects of these diseases.

Promotes resilience. Help people better cope with challenges and adversity.

Improves social relationships. Expressing gratitude to others strengthens interpersonal relationships. Showing appreciation and recognition to friends, family and colleagues can strengthen bonds and encourage collaboration.

Promotes physical well-being. It can improve sleep quality, lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.

Promotes empathy and generosity. When people feel grateful, they are more likely to reciprocate kindness and be generous.

To cultivate gratitude and experience its positive effects on well-being, you can perform simple exercises such as: For example, keep a gratitude journal, take a few minutes each day to think about the things you are grateful for, or express your appreciation to others. Gratitude is a powerful way to improve quality of life and promote emotional and mental well-being.

This is an opinion article. The ideas and opinions expressed here are those of the author.

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