Minister of Culture satisfied with the book fair in Venezuela

Minister of Culture satisfied with the book fair in Venezuela

“I think it was a success to have chosen this “beautiful space” of the city, in the military district of El Laguito, to celebrate this cultural festival in which Colombia was the guest of honor, said the owner in the radio and television program Con Maduro +.

The visual space was broadcast this time from the Teresa Carreño Theater in Caracas, in the presence of national and international writers who participated in Filven, as well as 400 student leaders from secondary schools in Venezuela and other guests.

Villegas meant that many people were visiting this venue for the first time, where “there was a special energy when you combined it with books and art.”

There we could see stage performances, concerts, book presentations and the exhibition of sculptures dedicated to the Colombian Fernando Botero and the Venezuelan Francisco Narváez, “two colossal giants,” he said.

He announced that the exhibition would be moved to the National Art Gallery so that it could be admired by those who could not see it.

Filven 2023 opened its doors on November 9th and extended its offerings for another day, as more than 600 activities related to books and culture in general were well received, developed and varied.

The journalist also noted that during the mass solidarity with the Palestinian people was expressed and the program featured Harvard academic and American sociologist of Jewish origin Lucas Koerner, who read a statement in support of the Palestinians and condemnation of Israel.

This document was written by Jews committed to the liberation of Palestine, anti-Zionists from all parts of Latin America and the North, and signatures are now being sought to support the initiative, Koerner explained.

The text denounced that the Gaza Strip, “the largest concentration camp in history,” is experiencing a real holocaust with the Israeli occupation force and the full political and military support of the United States and Europe.

He noted that this genocide represents the culmination of a 100-year war against the Palestinian people, of which in recent weeks more than 13,000 people have died and of them more than five thousand children, one for every 200 people in this enclave of just 365 square meters Kilometers in extent, he revealed.

The text called for an immediate ceasefire and lifting of the blockade in the Gaza Strip and advocated launching investigations to prosecute officials from the United States, Israel, Germany, the United Kingdom, France and the European Union for genocide, crimes and humanity there committed.
