The European Union will draw a red line for Netanyahu

The European Union will draw a red line for Netanyahu in Gaza Check

As is known, the EU, like the USA, supports Israel’s defense measures against Hamas, which is considered a terrorist organization.

Israel’s initial reaction was legitimate and no one in Brussels, home of the European Parliament, doubts it. On October 7, terrorist attacks occurred in which Israel’s civilian population was executed and 242 hostages were taken (two already released), including an 11monthold baby, children, women and the elderly.

But in the Gaza Strip, the disproportionate response of the Benjamin Netanyahu government’s Israeli forces in blatant violation of international law was a cause for concern for the EU.

In fact, neither the European bloc nor its leaders want to give the impression that they condone disproportionate and excessive acts of war.

To put it more bluntly, European leaders fear the label of toleration associated with the slaughter of Palestinian civilians, in which large numbers of women, children and the elderly have been killed.

Warning: Technically, excessive selfdefense is a crime against humanity. However, technically there is no war because only one state is involved. Therefore, it is not correct to allege a war crime. Because of Israel’s excesses, conflicts and crimes against humanity occur.

It should also be noted that during his visits to Egypt and Jordan, Chancellor Borrel was accompanied by Ursula van der Leyn, the allpowerful President of the European Commission.