SCANNER: Peronism and the Social Justice Model (+Photos +Video)

Speaking to Prensa Latina, the doctor, author and holder of social sciences assured that under the leadership of former President Juan Domingo Perón (1895-1974), Argentina has experienced a process of enormous transformations based on a solidarity model of social justice. Independence, economic and political sovereignty, which left a deep mark on the Argentine people.

Likewise, decades later, he found it necessary to return to his ideological program and re-read his work, which is of great validity and relevance.

Perón is considered one of the most important politicians of this nation and was vice president, minister of war, minister of labor and social security, three times head of state (1946-1952, 1952-1955, 1973-1974) and founder of the Justicialista Party.

It is recognized for the implementation of policies in favor of the working class, the redistribution of wealth in favor of more disadvantaged sectors, the recognition of women’s rights, industrialization, the nationalization of basic sectors and the constitutional reform of 1949.

Under his mandate and at the initiative of his second wife Eva Perón (1919–1952), Law 13 010 on women’s suffrage was passed in 1947, which represented a milestone in the defense of gender equality.

His second government ended on September 16, 1955, due to a coup by a regime calling itself the “Liberating Revolution,” which was supported by the United States and initiated a period of exile and persecution of its supporters.

After almost 18 years in exile, he returned to Argentina in 1972 and became president again a year later.

He died of chronic ischemic heart disease and was succeeded by his widow, María Estela Martínez, who was overthrown in a coup in 1976 that unleashed the worst civil-military dictatorship in Argentina, which lasted until 1983 and disappeared after more than 30 thousand years People.

According to sociologist Ernesto Villanueva, “Perón finally became immortal on July 1, 1974.” He had recently bid farewell to a crowd, proclaiming that his only heir was the people and that his voice would always be the most wonderful music.

Under the ashes of a devastated land, in the cellar of the land and in the remotest corners of humble neighborhoods, the embers of his teaching continue to burn, he noted.

Likewise, he specified that his emancipatory government program focuses on the three flags that doctrinally unite the movement: economic independence, political sovereignty and social justice, pillars that represent the concrete solution to Argentina’s economic, social and cultural needs.

It was able to curb inflation, increase real wages, reduce unemployment, reactivate the internal market, draw up a plan for energy self-sufficiency, involve this country in the Non-Aligned Movement, exclude foreign military missions and try to… Retaking Malvinas Islands through diplomatic channels, lifting the blockade of Cuba and resolving old border disputes were among the most important measures, he added.

For his part, Rachid pointed out that philosophical Peronism achieved the synthesis of mestizo, brown, creole and immigrant thought, which led to the emergence of Latin American identity.

As a descendant of the Tehuelche Indians, Perón combined the postulates of 19th and 20th century thinkers such as the Cuban José Martí (1853-1895), the Nicaraguan Rubén Darío (1867-1916) and the Peruvian José Carlos Mariátegui (1894-1930) . ) and the Argentine Manuel Baldomero Ugarte (1875-1951), he noted.

At the First National Congress of Philosophy, held in Mendoza in 1949, he doctrinally consolidated the idea of ​​how to confront the “bourgeois-demoliberal” model with a schema that he called the organized community composed of the people emanating from Being A witness and a protagonist in the story were under constitutional protection, he explained.

According to Rachid, this is reflected in this year’s reform, which modified the Magna Carta of 1853 and resulted in one of the first social constitutions because it included comprehensive rights, bringing about a profound change in the legislative matrix.

He opted for a third position at the international level, assuming that he spoke out against the Korean conflict and the conclusion of the Bretton Woods Agreements (1944) in the context of the Cold War that had practically begun. He said that if they were tools of capitalism, they would not serve the development of people, but rather subjugate them, the expert noted.

The researcher specified that one of the fundamental principles of Peronism was the defense of the great Latin American homeland, and when he became president he refuted the war hypothesis that Argentina had of the decline with Brazil and Chile, he explained.

Another important feature of the movement was the placement of union attachés in all of that country’s diplomatic headquarters abroad so that international treaties could take into account the interests of workers.

The influence of Peronism on the politics and history of Argentina is very great because it has become a culture of identity, as it is a synthesis of the epics and struggles of the national and popular movements in Latin America, said Rachid.

A structural change was achieved in the economic, social, political-institutional and intellectual areas. When Perón left, there was no foreign debt, he added.

The analyst highlighted the importance of the latter, especially in the current context, as former President Mauricio Macri’s loan of more than $56 billion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is causing serious damage and threatening sovereignty.

In addition, he noted that after Perón’s death, the movement experienced a very serious process of betrayal and capitulation to neoliberalism during the Menemist phase (of Carlos Menem, who ruled from 1989 to 1999), a period in which there was a deep and profound phase gave surrender. an ideological traffic under the idea of ​​​​a supposed adaptation.

This experience caused little resistance, since Peronism came from dictatorships, from the 30,000 disappeared people, from the loss of the government with Raúl Alfonsín (1927-2009) and it was believed that Menem could be decisive in the restoration of virtues and doctrinal values. It’s not like that, he emphasized.

For Rachid, the restoration of the founding principles began with the arrival of Néstor Kirchner (1950-2010) and Cristina Fernández at Casa Rosada in 2003.

For twelve years, a historic reparation and restoration of popular rights took place, expanded through a politics of memory, truth and justice and through measures such as the recognition of sexual identities, voluntary abortion and the respect and prominence of women.

However, the professor believes that the fragmentation and plundering of external debt by the Macri government is currently affecting political and economic sovereignty and leading to low maneuverability.

Today, this country is suffering the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, IMF interference, the destruction of the healthcare system by Macri’s management, the war in Ukraine and the worst drought ever.

Despite all this, we are fighting on the Union for the Homeland front, which unites various political forces. Rereading Perón will continue to find answers, the researcher said.

Likewise, he emphasized the validity of the Argentine model for a national project, which was considered Perón’s political testament.

There he points out that the future world will be a world of blocks and warns about Argentina’s natural wealth. Today, General Laura Richardson of the United States Southern Command threatens us and the region when she says she will protect our people, their lithium and freshwater reserves from Chinese and Russian investments, she said.

Rachid warned against the aggression of this country and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which has a strategic focus on Latin America, especially after the announcement of Argentina’s inclusion in the Brics group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

Washington wants to turn Latin America into a new Puerto Rico and divide Argentina into four regions: the north for lithium; southern Patagonia by the sea, Antarctica and the bio-oceanic passes; northern Patagonia with the Vaca Muerta field and the largest oil and gas reserves; and the central one because of its agricultural and livestock potential.
This was colonialism, he claimed.

The recent victory of La Libertad Avanza in the parliamentary elections presents Peronism with the need to strengthen, unite and analyze new strategies.

According to analyst Luis Bruschtein, the current situation implies a horizon of violence: “No one will allow them to be trampled on or to have their rights taken away, and the policies announced by the elected President Javier Milei are very aggressive.” These two opposing forces point to this indicates that protests, repression and deep instability are imminent.”

Argentina has already experienced situations in which fragmentation was the strategy for applying anti-people measures and in which the unity of the people resisting was the only defense.

The street will once again be the main arena of politics. It was the only territory that the economic power could not colonize, he claimed.

For her part, the leader of the Peronist Youth, Lucía Cámpora, stressed the importance of acting with more organization than ever before, with courage, moderation and loyalty to Cristina Fernández.
