Letter to the Editor Our own healthcare system is sick

Letter to the Editor Our own healthcare system is sick! Tips Totally Regional

LINZ. Franz Schramböck from Linz sent the following letter to the editor:

“Our own healthcare system is sick!

For decades, responsible politicians have failed to take into account the growing age pyramid. Every year, our oldest citizens get older and therefore get sicker. This means that doctors’ offices and hospitals are almost always full of them. The condition there, are the most modern surgical techniques with robots to combat overcrowded schedules and months of waiting for urgent operations.

This year I have already been a patient six times in a large hospital in Linz and I have experienced every day the dedication and patience with which the staff, from primary school nurses to interns, do their utmost for their patients. Furthermore, there are very low salaries during the training period. It’s no wonder when you hear how high hospital layoffs are. The sad result: beds had to be closed here and there because there was a lack of staff!

And we have had lay people responsible for health care for a long time. From the minister to those responsible for the state. Not a single doctor. And now Minister Rauch is “inventing” the bizarre idea of ​​“basic substances”. My doctor must write down the most important ingredients of my medicine to the pharmacist and he will then “mix” the medicine I need from his supply. This is pure Middle Ages, as under Theophrastus Paracelsus! Nothing against pharmacists, but my doctor knows what powder I need; It could be that he has been treating me for my illness for years.

And last but not least, Minister Rauch also states that “he is the patient’s advocate!” No, Mr. Rauch: it works without Rauch!”