GUATEMALA is experiencing a progressive coup against President Bernardo Arevalo

GUATEMALA is experiencing a progressive coup against President Bernardo Arévalo and Vice President Karin Herrera Grupo de Puebla

The members of the Puebla group We draw the attention of international public opinion to the advance of a PROGRESSIVE coup in Guatemala, promoted by dark forces that govern the executive branch and direct part of the judiciary, with the aim of preventing the inauguration of President Bernardo Arévalo next December 14, 2024 Although these forces want to change the popular vote, Bernardo and Karin were elected constitutional president and vice president of the country on August 20, as confirmed by the Supreme Electoral Court.

At the head of this anti-democratic conspiracy are the Attorney General María Consuelo Porras and the head of the Special Prosecutor’s Office Against Impunity (FECI), Rafael Curruchiche, who are promoting war actions under the protection of President Alejandro Giammattei and some corrupt judges. legal (Lawfare) aimed at disqualifying President Bernardo Arévalo and his Vice President Karin Herrera, abolishing their constitutional privileges, illegalizing the election of their bank, nullifying the personality of the Semilla party, imprisoning academic supporters, in short, a group of Arbitrary actions aimed at creating conditions for a violent rupture of democratic continuity in the fraternal country.

Fortunately, there were massive popular mobilizations of support against these coup attempts, such as that of the 48 indigenous cantons, representing 60% of the indigenous population, which, together with other population groups, are defended with courage and expressed solidarity. international, the same right invoked by the father of the current president, Juan José Arévalo, to ensure respect for the will of the sovereign people. We demand that the intimidation by the Public Prosecutor’s Office against some sections of the press, the opposition, students, as well as members of the judiciary and the public ministry who have acted independently, be stopped definitively.

He Puebla group Inquiries to Latin American Council for Justice and Democracy (CLAJUD)initiate preventive measures with international organizations to ensure that Guatemala’s democracy is respected and the coup plot to violate it is prevented.

  • Ernesto Samper, former president of Colombia.
  • José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, former President of the Spanish Government.
  • Marco Enríquez-Ominami, former presidential candidate, coordinator of the Puebla Group, Chile.
  • Andres Arauz, former minister and former presidential candidate, Ecuador.
  • Gabriela Rivadeneira, former President of the National Assembly, Ecuador.
  • Mónica Xavier, former senator, former president of the Frente Amplio, Uruguay.
  • Iván Cepeda, Senator, Colombia.
  • Camilo Lagos, President of the Progresa Foundation, Chile.
  • María José Pizarro, Senator, Colombia.
  • Aída García Naranjo, former Minister of Women and Social Development, former Ambassador, Peru.
  • Verónika Mendoza, former presidential candidate, Peru.
  • Esperanza Martínez, Senator, Paraguay.
  • Carol Proner, lawyer from Brazil.
  • Daniel Martínez, former presidential candidate, former mayor of Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Carlos Sotelo, former senator, Mexico.
  • Carlos Ominami, former Senator, former Minister of Economy, Chile.
  • Guillaume Long, former foreign minister of Ecuador.
  • Karol Cariola, representative of Chile.