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Billion dollar dispute: rapprochement between the EU Commission and Poland news

The EU Commission and Poland have come closer in a dispute over billions of funds previously blocked for Warsaw. The Brussels authority today approved Poland’s plan for its almost €60 billion in EU CoV aid. Of these, €34.5 billion will be granted in the form of loans and €25.3 billion in the form of grants, as announced by the Commission.

This makes the situation easier in a long-running dispute. Poland presented its recovery plan in May 2021. To receive money from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM), Member States had to present a plan with investment and reform projects.

Unchanged “Super Milestones”

The Commission said that three “super milestones” related to the reforms remained unchanged in the revised Polish plan. This means that it is not possible to disburse a payment request under the special mechanism until Poland has satisfactorily met all three milestones. This concerns the independence of the Polish judiciary.

In addition to these regular payments, Poland could receive its first money soon. EU states now have around four weeks to embrace Poland’s plan. This approval will allow Poland to receive €5.1 billion in pre-financing, the Commission said.