Massimiliano Varrese and his love for his ex partner Valentina

Massimiliano Varrese and his love for his ex partner Valentina Big Brother 2023 | Girlfriend Big Brother

November 21, 2023

Even though they have separated, Massimiliano still loves his partner and Fiordaliso is convinced that this feeling is reciprocated

In yesterday’s episode Maximilian He felt the joy of hugging his daughter again and seeing his partner Valentina again. The meeting triggered a series of unbridled emotions and reflections in him. His thoughts always fly there, the thoughts are focused on his desire for love.

Having a conversation in the kitchen Cornflower And Rosy, Massimiliano can only admit his feelings: he is still in love with his ex.

Fiordaliso, a good observer, admits that she has noticed a special light in her eyes and those of her partner. “I saw love,” says the singer, hoping she’s not wrong.

Massimiliano explains the reasons for their separation. This wasn’t a case of betrayal, just misunderstandings. “We got into a conflict and no longer understood each other,” he says with regret.

Fiordaliso encourages him not to give up and try to repair the relationship. “Sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself,” Rosy supports her friend’s thesis.

“Our love was huge,” says Massimiliano with a sigh. If they decided to separate, it was for their own good.

But Fiordaliso believes in them and feels that they are still connected by a strong feeling.

The actor does not deny it, on the contrary, if he is unable to address the problem, it is precisely because of what he still feels for her. He would like to talk to her, clarify things, but at the moment everything seems difficult and impossible.

Relationship problems are always complicated and a breakup is painful. But true love weathers every storm and overcomes every obstacle. Who knows, maybe this will be the fate of Massimiliano too.