A pedestrian seriously injured on Charest Boulevard in Quebec –

A pedestrian seriously injured on Charest Boulevard in Quebec –

An 84-year-old pedestrian was hit by a car at the intersection of Rue Caron and Boulevard Charest Est in Quebec on Tuesday evening.

The collision occurred just before 6:30 p.m. in an area where work is being carried out.

Rescuers initially performed resuscitation maneuvers, but paramedics said the unconscious pedestrian was breathing when he was transported to a hospital.

The victim suffered serious head injuries, but his life is not in danger. However, his condition could deteriorate due to age.

The driver of the car was also taken to hospital with severe shock.


Alcohol is not believed to have played a role in this accident.

There is a traffic delay on Charest Boulevard.

Charest Boulevard has been one of the “accident-prone” zones designated by the City of Quebec for several years.

Over the years, other accidents have occurred at this location.

The Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) reports a worrying increase in the number of road deaths in its 2022 traffic report.

The number of pedestrian deaths increased by 22.7% in 2022. Last year around 79 pedestrians were killed.

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