Haselmayer in CLUB 3 You were immediately labeled a Nazi

Haselmayer in “CLUB 3” “You were immediately labeled a Nazi” | krone.at

Living together with a wide variety of points of view presents us with a challenge. The conflict in the Middle East has once again shown the country’s problems in a clear and unpleasant way. Swastikas and Stars of David on the walls of houses, arson in cemeteries, insults in public. Anti-Semitism has reached a peak. “People have been looking the other way for years,” says researcher Christoph Haselmayer. “The mentality in countries like Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq is simply different from ours in Christian Europe. Anyone who criticized anything about this was immediately pushed to the right and labeled a Nazi. “It’s slowly disintegrating, I think that’s a good thing,” says Haselmayer.