Mali Political parties welcome army capture of Kidal

What security and social strategy for the Malian army in Kidal?

It has been just over a week since the Malian army and its Russian proxies under Wagner took control of Kidal, the Permanent Strategic Framework (CSP) rebel stronghold in the north of the country. The Malian transition authorities are now “inviting” the Kidalois who fled the violence to return and undertake to ensure their protection. What is the Malian army’s security and social strategy in Kidal?

Published on: November 21, 2023 – 11:12 p.m

3 mins

Kidal was ruled by rebels for more than ten years. As part of the peace agreement since 2015. Before the arrival of the army on Tuesday November 14th, the city had largely gotten rid of its residents. Not everyone who left belongs to the CSP; Civilians initially fled the bombings. But they at least accommodated the authority of the rebels – in this case the Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA) groups, now an integral part of the CSP – and even supported them.

Likewise, all remaining Kidalois do not fight for the Malian army, but generally support it. And the army, the new mistress of the place, is now relying on her.

“It can rely on the traditional legitimations that have been preserved. The CSP does not only have friends in Kidal, emphasizes Malian researcher Boubacar Ba, director of the Center for Analysis on Governance and Security in the Sahel. There are communities that didn’t agree with them. I will not name these communities, but there are still populations in Kidal who were not very comfortable, so the state will rely on them to reorganize the city based on negotiations. »

The Malian army has been active since the capture of the city of Kidal Multiply the declarations To call on displaced people and refugees from the city and the entire region to return. The Fama is committed to ensuring their protection. But the Kidalois who fled fear the demands of the Malian army and its Wagner auxiliaries. They fear mergers and the risk of ethnic reprisals.

Fear of abuse

Displaced civilians from Kidal, currently on the Algerian border, and their families reported this to RFI. Everyone thinks of the numerous abuses accused of Malian soldiers and their allies, including during their advance towards Kidal, such as in Ersane in early October, where 17 civilians were executed and beheaded. Everyone also saw on social networks the images of the looting following the army’s entry into the city and the calls for violence, including rape, expressed on the same social networks by figures close to the interim government.

They also fear a resurgence of fighting: the CSP rebels have not laid down their weapons and the jihadists of Jnim (Support Group for Islam and Muslims), linked to al-Qaeda, are also threatening the city.

“The CSP rebels withdrew to the Tinzaouatine area bordering Algeria and to the Timetrine region with the mountains,” explains Boubacar Ba. The CSP movements could find a modus operandi with the Jnim because they still have bridges to try to resist and retake the city of Kidal. »

The Malian transitional authorities have just achieved an undeniable military success. Kidal’s next battle will be to ensure security and social cohesion.

Also read: After the resumption of Kidal, the movement “Maliens tout court” calls for reconciliation