1700625517 Anna Moroni the tragedy has overwhelmed her all of Italy

Anna Moroni, the tragedy has overwhelmed her: all of Italy is crying with her IT IT

Anna Moroni, the cook, is heartbroken. The tragedy overwhelmed her. Everyone around her.

We are used to seeing Moroni happy and with a beautiful bright smile on her sweet face. And now we see it completely differently. His eyes are full of tears that touches her face quite a lot. He didn’t expect it. What happened was beyond prediction. Or better, Yes he hopedfrom the bottom of my heart, that it wasn’t like that. At least this time.

And instead, Unfortunately, the script repeated itself again. And she was shocked as a woman, mother, grandmother and human being. There are no appropriate words to describe what happened. But it’s not a nightmare the bitter and hard truth and therefore it cannot be changed. We can’t rewind the film or say “Stop” during a scene.

Unfortunately Reality surpasses fantasy. Oh yes, because if we are used to witnessing certain events on the big and small screen as fiction, it is when they happen in real lifeis, as they say, a completely different story. A dramatic and hard storyActually very difficult to digest and accept.

Anna Moroni, overwhelmed by the tragedy

Because when a life is stolen To disappear from this world at the hands of another human being is always a defeat. The hand hit where Evil has overcome the flesh, Thoughts and feelings. Love was no longer there and gave into hate. In fact, perhaps this never existed because those who truly love are not capable of it barbarism.

The beast has awakened from his torpor. It was hidden in there for a long time Lamb clothing although in reality he was a ravenous wolf and she attacked hungrily, highlighting the fangs. Anna is sick. He can’t understand how this couldn’t have been avoided. The tragedy is very strong and now all of Italy weeps with her.

Anna Moroni is heartbrokenAnna Moroni’s contribution RomaIT.it

His memory of Giulia

In short words the cook dedicated a long post to him on his widely followed official Instagram profile young Giulia, killed by her 22-year-old boyfriend. He didn’t accept that she wanted to leave him. He saw it as his own and when she told him her decision, he never saw us again and Blind rage washed over her.

She who can be the daughter, the sister, the friend of each of us. Many every day Julia They also die this way in Italy. Despite the awareness campaigns that talk about it Violence against womenwhich is a great social plague, The beasts they keep hitting increasingly evil and vengeful.

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