United States Looking back at the day John F Kennedy

United States: Looking back at the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated

Published on November 21, 2023 10:13 p.m

Video length: 4 min

USA: Looking back at the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated -

United States: Looking back to the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated United States: Looking back to the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated – (France 2)

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Article written by France 2 – F. Ziehzeau, A. Sangouard, K. Sullivan Den Bergh, Z. Boughzou

France TV

On the 60th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the 20-hour teams return to the trail of that catastrophic day that shaped the history of the United States.

When the presidential couple landed in Dallas, USA, that day, they sought the support of a city known to be conservative and which they did not like. Secret services warn of possible threats from right-wing extremists. The reception at the airport is friendly. The President will make a decision that will have serious consequences. He asks the Lincoln Continental to keep the top down and drive at low speed.

“His head exploded.”

The crowd on the side of the road is enthusiastic. But as they arrive in the heart of Dallas, shots are fired. The first misses its target. The second hit the American president in the back and throat. The third will be fatal for him. “I bent down and there… His head exploded,” one of the witnesses said. President Kennedy is taken to the hospital. The media interrupts their broadcasts and announces his death. Sixty years later, Dealey Plaza, the scene of this assassination, has barely changed.

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