Recap of the soap opera e Paixao Next Chapter Wednesday

Recap of the soap opera e Paixão: Next Chapter, Wednesday November 22 TV

Check out the synopsis of the next chapter of Terra e Paixão, Globo’s nine o’clock soap opera, airing this Wednesday (22):

Vinícius has memories of Irene. Tadeu tells Gladys that they are facing death. Irene tells Petra and Luigi that the assassination attempt on Antônio is a plot to put Aline in prison.

Petra remarks to Hélio that she suspects Agatha is not as good as she seems. Hélio makes it clear to Agatha that he no longer believes in his mother. Graça tells Tadeu to go to the police and tell him that he is being threatened by Sidney.

Read the summaries of the next chapters of the soap opera Terra e Paixão.

Terra and Paixão chapters are provided by Globo and are subject to change without notice

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