God loves you and accepts you as you are –

God loves you and accepts you as you are – TopChrétien

God loves you and accepts you as you are

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For the Lord looks over the whole earth to help those whose hearts belong entirely to him.
2 Chronicles 16.9

Throughout my life, God has continually reminded me that He seeks perfection not in our actions, but in our hearts. Many people think that God will not use them until all areas of their lives have reached perfection.

This mindset keeps them from being used by God. He uses us despite our faults and not because of our qualities. In general, people appreciate you for your skills. If you do what they expect of you, they accept you; otherwise they will reject you.

God’s love depends only on himself. He loves you and accepts you as you are. This does not give us permission to misbehave and not live holy lives. A person with a sincere heart before God will always sincerely try to please God in all circumstances, although he knows that God will never reject him because of his weaknesses or mistakes.

God wants to love us and help us when we are weak. Let God love you and give him your love in return with a pure heart!

Listen to the voice of God

Do you feel like you need to earn God’s love? Take the time to listen to what he wants to say to you about it.

Praying is easy. Talk to God like you would your closest friend. God loves you and he can hear everything. Here is a sample prayer: “Lord, I know that you love me despite my weaknesses and mistakes. I thank you for this love and turn my heart to you, knowing that you can use me when my heart is pure and undivided.” Amen.”

Praise God

Praising God also means telling him how much we love him. Take the time to talk to him about how you feel about him and the love you have for him. Express the love you feel for him in your own way and with your words. All He wants is the simplicity of your heart.

Take action today

Paul said he rejoiced in his weaknesses because he knew God used them to demonstrate his power. What are your weaknesses? A character trait, a situation that limits you or prevents you from moving forward…? Name them, give them to God, and let Him surprise you.

Honor the Lord

Our journey for this day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

“Lord, your love is truly incomparable! To you belong the kingdom, the power and the glory, Amen!”

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