Middle East, “Israel Hamas Ceasefire and Hostages Agreement”

Qatar confirmed the agreement between Israel and Hamas for at least a four-day ceasefire in Gaza and the release of 50 of the 150 Palestinian prisoners. Netanyahu speaks of a “right decision” but warns that the war will resume after the break. Biden said he was “extremely pleased.” Three Americans will be among those released. Blinken will be in the Middle East next week. The UN Security Council meets today. The US President will not take part in the virtual G20 summit with Putin today.

For more information Photo Agency ANSA The Pope, in Palestine and Israel it is not war, it is terrorism “We have moved on”, “both suffer”, “we pray for peace” (ANSA)

Cohen: “Hostage release process begins tomorrow”

“According to the agreed plan, the process of releasing the first hostages must begin tomorrow”: Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said this on military radio. “We don’t give an exact time.”
In response to a question, Cohen clarified that Israel had not committed to a “ceasefire” but rather a “four-day pause.” “The meaning of the ‘ceasefire’ is that after the fire there is no resumption of fire.” Instead, we are talking about a pause during which the goal is to free hostages. They are two completely different concepts. “The difference is enormous.”

UN, an agreement in Gaza is important, but much remains to be done

The agreement between Israel and Hamas on a humanitarian ceasefire and the release of the hostages is “an important step forward”, but “much remains to be done”: the United Nations supports it.

Hezbollah, we will join the ceasefire

Hezbollah sources told Al Jazeera that while they did not take part in the ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas, they would join in “the cessation of fighting.”

Putin: “Situation in Gaza exceeds critical limit”

The situation in the Gaza Strip has now “exceeded the limit of criticality”. Russian President Vladimir Putin said this. “We have to help the people of Gaza who are suffering from the current events, this is our sacred duty,” Putin added at a meeting with members of the government.

There is also a female attacker on the Israeli list of Palestinian prisoners

According to the public radio station Kan, they are supporters of Hamas, Fatah, the Popular Front and Islamic Jihad. After their liberation, they can return to their homes in the West Bank or East Jerusalem.
Among the names that attracted press attention were Asraa Jabas (38 years old), who was sentenced to 11 years in prison for exploding a gas cylinder at a checkpoint in Jerusalem; Hanan Barghouti (59 years old), a “terrorist supporter” who appears to have medical problems; and Atef Jaradat, 50, the mother of a Palestinian bomber responsible for a murder who hid the murder weapon. The youngest prisoner listed is 14 years old.

Today Hamas will announce the names of the ten hostages it will release tomorrow

The families of Israelis held hostage in Gaza today are experiencing a day of great tension as they wait for Hamas to inform Israel by tonight of the identities of those (at least 10) who will be released tomorrow under the terrorism ceasefire agreement. As Ynet reports, Israel has already provided Hamas with a list of around 100 names of Israeli hostages as part of the agreement.

Israel: Around 400 tunnels in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed since the war began

Since ground operations began in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army has discovered and destroyed around 400 tunnel entrances in the Gaza Strip. The military spokesman said that “entrances to the tunnels were found deep inside civilian buildings, including residential buildings, schools, hospitals and other locations.”

“According to Hamas, the ceasefire begins at 10 a.m. tomorrow.”

Hamas said the ceasefire with Israel would take effect at 10 a.m. Thursday, Israeli media Haaretz and Ynet reported.

Meloni, Facilitating Agreement on Hostages and Humanitarian Pause

“It is with great relief that I welcome the agreement that guarantees the release of the hostages taken by Hamas during the bloody attack on Israel on October 7th. An agreement that will also allow a much-needed humanitarian pause in Gaza,” said Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. “We will continue to work for the release of all hostages and for lasting peace in the Middle East,” he added. “Today we think of the families who can finally hug their loved ones again.”

Haaretz, Nasrallah-Hamas leader meets after agreement

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah met with Hamas Politburo deputy head Khalil al-Hayyah and Hamas representative in Lebanon Osama Hamdan. Haaretz reports it. The meeting, writes the Israeli newspaper, is part of the coordination between Hezbollah and Hamas on the consequences of the agreement to release the hostages. Al-Hayyah is also in contact with Egyptian intelligence and was involved in mediation efforts coordinated by Qatar, Haaretz writes.

Kremlin: “We assess the Israel-Hamas agreement positively”

The Kremlin assesses the agreement between Israel and Hamas “positively,” said spokesman Dmitry Peskov, according to the Interfax agency.

China, good Hamas-Israel agreement to end fighting

China welcomes the agreement reached between Israel and Hamas on a four-day humanitarian pause in the fighting in Gaza and the release of hostages and prisoners. This is reported by Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning.

Abu Mazen: “Good agreement.” Now more comprehensive solutions’

Palestinian President Abu Mazen “welcomed” the “humanitarian” agreement between Hamas and Israel and called for “more comprehensive solutions” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The leadership of Ramallah – Hussein Al-Sheikh, secretary of the PLO and advisor to Abu Mazen, wrote on the basis of international legitimacy.”

von der Leyen, good agreement, now I’m sending help

The European Commission will do everything it can to use the pause to send humanitarian aid to Gaza. I have asked Commissioner Janez Lenarcic to increase deliveries to Gaza as quickly as possible to address the humanitarian crisis.” European Commission President Ursula von der Lyayen welcomes the agreement reached for a pause in fighting and exchanges, she writes on X between Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners. “Every day that these mothers and children are held hostage by terrorists is one day too many.” I share the joy of the families who will soon be able to hug their loved ones again. And I am very grateful to everyone who has worked tirelessly diplomatically over the past few weeks to negotiate this agreement. “I call on the Hamas terrorists to immediately release all hostages and allow them to return home safely,” explains von der Leyen. EU Council President Charles Michel was also satisfied with the agreement between Israel and Hamas.

“We welcome the agreement on the release of women and children held hostage in Gaza. We thank Qatar and Egypt who contributed to the mediation. Hamas must release all hostages. It is also important to take advantage of this pause in hostilities to allow humanitarian assistance to reach those in need,” he wrote on X Michel.

Rocket warning from Gaza in Israeli communities near Gaza

Rocket warning sirens from Gaza sound in Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip. The army made it known.

Israel lists 300 Palestinians as candidates for release

The Israeli Ministry of Justice has published a list of 300 Palestinian prisoners eligible for release from prisons under the agreement with Hamas approved by the government last night. Haaretz reported it. From this moment begins the 24 hours in which those who believe in it can oppose the release and appeal to the Supreme Court, which must quickly decide whether to accept or reject the petition.

The Israeli opposition agrees to the hostage-taking agreement

Yair Lapid, leader of the Israeli opposition to Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, said he “supports” the agreement to release some hostages that the executive voted on last night.
Lapid stressed that around 200 hostages in Gaza will remain in the hands of Hamas, saying on X: “Israel has the highest obligation to continue working to bring every single hostage home.”

Wafa, “Five Palestinians Killed by Israel in West Bank”

The Wafa news agency reported that an Israeli drone hit a house in the Tulkarem refugee camp in the West Bank, killing five Palestinians.
According to the same source, there were also three injured, one of whom was arrested by the army.

Herzog, agreement “painful and difficult, I support Netanyahu”

Israeli President Isaac Herzog called the hostage deal with Hamas “painful and difficult,” but stressed that he “supports” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision.
“The reservations are understandable, painful and difficult, but in the circumstances I support the decision of the Prime Minister and the government to move forward with the agreement to release the hostages,” Herzog said on X.
“This is a moral and ethical duty that properly expresses the Jewish and Israeli value of ensuring the freedom of prisoners, with the hope that this will be a significant first step toward the repatriation of all hostages,” the President continued. “The State of Israel, the IDF and all security forces will continue to act in every possible way to achieve this goal while restoring absolute security for the citizens of Israel.”

Hamas and Israel order evacuation of Indonesian hospital

The Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza told Al Jazeera that the Israeli army had ordered the evacuation of the Indonesian hospital.
The official Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that a hospital official received a message with “a special warning to evacuate the Indonesian.” The Israeli army says it has information about military activity inside the hospital and calls for “the immediate cessation of all military actions” inside the hospital. “If such activities are not stopped within four hours,” the statement said, “the army reserves the right to take action against them in accordance with international law.”

Biden is extremely pleased with the hostage-taking agreement

US President Joe Biden in a statement welcomed the agreement between Hamas and Israel on the cessation of fighting in Gaza and the release of hostages and prisoners.
In the note, cited by international media, Biden thanks “Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani of Qatar and President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt for their cooperation in reaching this agreement” and says he is “extremely pleased” by the thought the impending release of the hostages.

Qatar confirms ceasefire agreement, which can be extended by four days

Qatar has officially announced an agreement between Israel and Hamas that includes a pause in fighting and the release of 50 women and children held hostage by Hamas.
“The start of the break will be announced within the next 24 hours; it will last four days and may be extended,” Doha said in a statement quoted by international media.

In the USA we expect the release of more than 50 Hamas hostages

The total number of hostages released by Hamas could rise. A senior US official said this in a briefing with a small group of journalists.
“The agreement called for the release of 50 women and children in the first phase, but we expect more hostages to be released at a later date,” he said.

Israel, the war will continue after the end of the ceasefire

The Israeli army will “continue” its war against Hamas after the end of the Gaza ceasefire, the Israeli government assured today.
“The Israeli government, the Israeli army and the security forces will continue the war to return all abductees, eliminate Hamas and ensure that there are no further threats to the State of Israel from Gaza,” the executive branch said in a statement.

CNN, Israel agrees to hostage deal

After a nearly seven-hour meeting, Israel’s war cabinet approved the deal to release hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.
CNN correspondents report on it.

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