Brazilian marketers took cough to debate says Milei

Brazilian marketers took “cough to debate, says Milei

According to Argentina’s elected president, this strategy was used to disrupt him during his speech

Argentina’s presidentelect Javier Milei said on Tuesday (11/21/2023) that Brazilian marketers who worked on the election campaign of the economy minister and his presidential election rival Sergio Massa made people cough during their speeches at the last election debate on November 12th.

“Massa…actually, it wasn’t Massa, but his Brazilian advisors who had ‘coughing fits’ precisely to disturb me at the moment I was speaking. When I made my final thought in the debate, everyone coughed together,” said Milei in an interview with broadcaster A24.

The lawmaker said he spoke to former President Mauricio Macri, who warned him about what viewers can and cannot hear during broadcasts.

“Macri told me to be careful because I’m actually listening to what’s happening, but since there are no microphones on the other side, people can’t hear it. That’s why someone maliciously said I heard voices,” Milei said, explaining that people use these situations to treat him as “crazy.”

Also according to Milei, Macri said that something similar happened when he spoke in the Chamber of Deputies. “His microphone was open and the others weren’t. So when he answered or said things, he would look crazy.”

The last presidential debate in Argentina was broadcast live Power360 on November 12th.

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