NEOS on the call to the EU Convention: The time for a decade of reforms is NOW!

Gamon: “Austria’s federal government must commit to a sustainable Europe.”

Vienna/Brussels (OTS) – Claudia Gamon, NEOS MEP, is pleased with the common position of all progressive forces in the European Parliament to comprehensively reform EU treaties within the framework of a convention. At the heart of this is the proposal to abolish the principle of unanimity in the Council: “Unanimity paralyzes our Union and makes it vulnerable to the whims of individual Member States. We can no longer allow one country to block progress for everyone”, explains Gamon. “We don’t have to turn to Hungary or Poland for this; Austria’s anti-European Schengen veto is a prime example.”

The new enlargement prospects for Ukraine and the Western Balkans make this demand particularly timely. “To be able to act with more than 27 members, the EU must free itself from the shackles of unanimity. We, NEOS, want an EU that grows equally in size and capacity for action.”

“These reform proposals do not come from behind the scenes in the EU Parliament, but are a direct result of the conference on the future of Europe – and therefore reflect the demands of citizens,” emphasizes Gamon. “The will of citizens must no longer be ignored in the Council or by the governments of Member States. The European people have the right to decide on their common future.”

The NEOS MEP therefore calls on the Austrian federal government to commit to the proposals and work in the Council to ensure they are implemented. “Now is the time to call a reform convention. Now is the time for a decade of reforms. “Austria’s federal government must prove that it is prepared to invest in an effective Union, rather than continuing to move forward as before.”

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