The Pope meets Israelis and Palestinians No to terrorism

The Pope meets Israelis and Palestinians: No to terrorism

The conflict in the Middle East is the focus of the general audience in St. Peter’s Square. In fact, before the catechesis, the Pope received two delegations, one made up of Israelis whose relatives were held hostage by Hamas, and the other made up of Palestinians whose relatives were imprisoned in the prisons of the Jewish state. Both communities “suffer greatly,” Francis stressed after the general audience, adding that in the Middle East “we have moved beyond wars” and are now “into terrorism.” Hence the invitation to pray a lot for peace. May the Lord put his hand there, may the Lord help us to solve the problems and not follow the passions that ultimately kill everyone. “Let us pray for the Palestinian people,” Bergoglio added, “let us pray for the Israeli people, so that peace may come.” The Pope also urges not to forget those who suffer from conflicts in other parts of the world, “especially for the dear people of Ukraine, the tormented Ukraine”.

Previously, continuing his cycle of passion for evangelization, the Pope emphasized that the Christian message is for everyone. In fact, in the Gospel there is “a ‘humanizing power’, a fulfillment of life that is intended for every man and woman, because Christ was born, died and rose again for all.” For this reason, Christians must be “open and expansive, extroverted.” A style, a character that comes from Jesus, who made his presence in the world “a continuous journey aimed at reaching everyone and even learning from some of his encounters”. So no to the pride of faith, to the belief that we are superior to others because we have the gift of faith. Because, the Pope emphasizes, “when God chooses someone, it is out of love for everyone.” God does not call us to put ourselves on a pedestal, but to make us free and courageous instruments of his great and all-encompassing love. The Church is not a place of perfect and privileged people, but a community of disciples who bear witness to the One who has known by grace, Jesus, and who intercedes for all by praying, loving and sacrificing for the world. “