The Manicouagan Christmas market takes place at the Parc des

The Manicouagan Christmas market takes place at the Parc des Pionniers – Le Manic

A first edition of the Manicouagan Christmas market will take place from December 14th to 16th at the Parc des Pionniers in Baie-Comeau. This opportunity to do the final Christmas shopping among the 25 exhibitors could become a new tradition for us.

Local companies present their products and creations in a festive and warm atmosphere. There you will find pastries, beers, cocktails, photo sessions, catering, crafts, jewelry and more.

Two entrepreneurs from Bay-Comoise are at the forefront of this major project. Anne-Marie Hachey, owner of the TouChokola’T chocolate factory, and Julie Bérubé, co-owner of Ferme Manicouagan and Granijem, serve as co-presidents of the organizing committee for this first meeting.

The Maison desfamilies of Baie-Comeau and Innovation Développement Manicouagan also join the initiative, as well as the councilor of the Sainte-Amélie district, Lysandre St-Pierre, and committed citizens.

“The Manicouagan Christmas Market was created to warm the hearts of the Manicois and immerse them in the festive atmosphere of the end-of-year holidays. People need more opportunities to come together. “This event not only advances entrepreneurs and artisans in our region, it also allows us to give back to our community and strengthen our sense of belonging to our beautiful North Shore,” says Ms. Hachey, visibly excited as the big day approaches.

“The idea behind the Christmas market is to bring families together and tempt people with the variety of local products in a festive atmosphere. We want to recreate the magic of Christmas and being outdoors sets the tone for the market. The cooler climate makes you want to warm your heart and do something good for yourself,” adds her adventure partner Julie Bérubé.

Several sponsors responded. Profits generated from the event will be donated to the Maison des famille de Baie-Comeau and dedicated to the local workers program. It allows families to access support, listening, assistance and tools tailored to the issues they are facing.

Rain or shine

The Manicouagan Christmas Market takes place whatever the weather. Visitors are expected there on Thursday and Friday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Various activities are offered during the three days. We can think of dance, choirs and outpatient theater.

The Maison desfamilies will also take advantage of the festive atmosphere that will prevail there to hold its traditional Christmas party.