According to UNICEF, Gaza is the most dangerous place in the world for a child

“More than 5,300 Palestinian children were reportedly killed in Gaza in just 46 days, more than 115 per day, accounting for 40 percent of deaths.
And we are receiving reports that more than 1,200 minors are lying under the rubble of bombed buildings or are missing for other reasons. This was said by UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell at the meeting of the UN Security Council, arguing: “Gaza is the most dangerous place in the world. “The number of deaths in the current crisis has far exceeded the total number of deaths in previous escalations,” he added. “Between 2005 and 2022, a total of 1,653 children were killed.”
“UNICEF welcomes the agreement between Israel and Hamas, but for children to survive, humanitarian workers to stay and work effectively, the humanitarian pauses in Gaza are simply not enough, an urgent ceasefire is needed to immediately end this carnage. “ This was said by Catherine Russell, Executive Director of the UN Agency for Minors, at the Security Council meeting. “We estimate that child wasting, the most life-threatening form of malnutrition for children, could increase by almost 30 percent in Gaza in the coming months,” he added. (HANDLING).

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