1700672663 Hamas outpost and tunnels unearthed by IDF in luxurious Gaza

Hamas outpost and tunnels unearthed by IDF in luxurious Gaza neighborhood I24 i24 in English

Givati ​​Brigade fighters attacked the Hamas Northern Brigade headquarters in Sheikh Zayed. This luxurious neighborhood, home to many high-ranking members of the organization, houses terrorist outposts in the heart of the civilian population and is used by the Nuhba commandos behind the October 7 attacks.

Several tunnel shafts were located, including a large strategic shaft 50 meters deep and 7 meters wide. A scale model simulating an IDF armored fighting vehicle and a wall replicating the Gaza border fence were also discovered in the area. Missile launching complexes were also uncovered, including a tower for producing rockets and underground pits for launching them. The outpost was eventually destroyed. During the operation, militants killed dozens of terrorists.

IDFIDF rocket material discovered by the IDF in the Gaza Strip

In another operation in the same area, Givati ​​fighters located a vehicle containing numerous weapons in a mosque, believed to have been used by Hamas terrorists on October 7.

A few hours earlier there were operations in the city of Beit Hanoun in which numerous weapons were found in a house, including a Kalashnikov and axes. Several terrorists were killed in clashes with soldiers. A tunnel from which a terrorist attack was carried out a few days ago was also destroyed.