Industrial and Commercial Fair in Las Tunas Workers of Cuba

Industrial and Commercial Fair in Las Tunas Workers of Cuba

From the 30th of this month to December 3rd, the third Industrial and Commercial Fair will take place in Las Tunas, another opportunity to socialize the local potential of these sectors and send signals for the future, as suggested by the motto of the event. Notice.

Salvador Sariol Vistorte, head of the Department of Foreign Trade, Economic Cooperation and International Cooperation of the provincial government, is convinced of the success of the fair. (Photo: Jorge Perez Cruz)

This is how Salvador Sariol Vistorte, head of the Department of Foreign Trade, Economic Cooperation and International Cooperation of the provincial government, characterized it in a press conference, who assured that more than 100 state and private companies had confirmed their participation.

He announced that the important event, whose headquarters is located at the Las Tunas Hotel, will also be attended by representatives from different territories of the country and 10 nations from different geographical areas, confirming the efforts of local authorities in the preparations.

He also emphasized that during the business meeting the first productive management contract will be signed with the Pescatun company and other suppliers of electronic commerce and new forms of non-governmental management.

Feria2The Peralejo route, a new one for the Las Tunas Hotel that will facilitate connection with the theme park. (Photo: Jorge Perez Cruz)

He said that this edition is characterized by the exhibition spaces created to show the work of municipalities, which broadens the horizons to all forms of production and provision of services that will be able to show their achievements and Establish alliances to promote economic development the province and the country.

Sariol Vistorte called for a greater presence of the private sector, saying that the doors at the fair venue are open to it to make itself known, to build other relationships, to look for markets and suppliers… “because the government encourages.” Treatment without distinction between the traditional actors of the Cuban economy and these new forms of production.”

Feria3Previous editions of the industrial and commercial fair confirm the certainty of the celebrations. (Photo: Jorge Perez Cruz)

In this sense, he recalled that 14 local companies took part in the recently concluded Havana International Fair, five of which were among the economic actors that appear in the country’s business universe.

Although the headquarters will be located at the Las Tunas Hotel, the theme park adjacent to the tourist complex, to which will be added a novel offering called the Peralejo Route, will host commercial activities for the population.