COP28 Expert calls for a simple inventory Energynewsmagazine

According to an expert, a clear inventory of national climate protection measures will be presented at the UN COP28 climate conference in Dubai from November 30. Thomas Zehetner of WWF Austria demanded this at a press conference on Thursday. According to available studies, the first planned global inventory will show a gap between measures and the “scientifically prescribed emission reduction path” that needs to be closed.

“We can say in advance that we are not on track to meet our climate goals,” Zehetner explained. Two current studies would demonstrate this: on the one hand, the recently presented “NDC 2023 Synthesis Report”, which analyzes the current climate contributions of each state (Nationally Determined Contributions – NDCs). “Even if the plans are fully implemented, emissions can be expected to increase by nine percent by the end of the decade,” said the expert. “To reach the 1.5 degree target, emissions would have to fall by at least 40 percent.” Second, the United Nations (UN) 2023 Emissions Gap Report, published on Monday, shows global warming of 2.5 to 2.9 degrees by the end of the century.

When taking planned inventory, it’s important to “really present a pure balance sheet and not embellish anything,” says Zehetner. A delayed course correction would then have to be initiated. Specifically, all states must “rapidly improve” their national climate protection plans for 2030 and the requirements must be binding. “For this to happen, it would be necessary to anchor stronger accountability,” said the expert. Furthermore, “a plan for the global phase-out of all fossil fuels by 2050 at the latest” is needed. The press conference was organized by the “Alliance for Climate Justice”, an association of 26 Austrian non-governmental organizations (NGOs).