This Tuesday (21), Ximbinha spoke about Joelma’s divorce and gave details of the end of Banda Calypso in 2015. In the “Inteligência Ltda” podcast, the musician spoke of a “difficult period” after the separation and gave the reasons why Are you suing your exwife? They were together for 18 years and are parents of two children.
According to the report, the marriage had already ended before the information was made public and the two had been sleeping in different rooms for some time. Ximbinha said that he intends to continue with the band even if the romantic relationship has already ended. “I didn’t break up the band. It was the saddest part for me. The marriage was already over. We had been living in separate rooms for a long time, and I slept in my son’s room for over a year. We had no contact between husband and wife. I didn’t even stay in the dressing room with her. Sometimes I didn’t even have a dressing room, I was on stage. It was already worn out. And there’s a lot of history there that’s hard to talk about,” he said.
Ximbinha explained that dealing with the end of the band was the most complicated part and he needed time to reestablish himself. “I didn’t suffer from the relationship. The Calypso Band was my soul. It was very difficult to get out of my body. I asked God because everything there is part of my life. I really tried to make it happen. I suffered a lot for the band. I could have said many things, but it would have an impact on my children’s minds. I chose to remain silent and allow myself to be beaten,” he explained.
“I did a project called Banda XCalypso. He left later but was not feeling well. I did 16 shows and stopped for a while. I stayed at home for two years. I needed this time. I was unwell, I was on medication,” he added.
The musician claimed that he went through a delicate period after the divorce. The overwhelming majority of the band’s fans sided with Joelma, who accused Ximbinha of aggression. “I ate the bread that the devil kneaded. It was a very difficult, very complicated separation. A lot of people threw stones, a lot of people said things they didn’t know. I had a guardian angel that Heavenly Father placed in my life, Sonia Abrão. She defended me with everything she had, he said.
He recounted an incident in Brasilia when he was lynched on stage. According to the musician, Joelma had vacated a property shared by the two without permission. “When she (Joelma) started pointing it out and talking about the music, she sent 50,000 people to Brasília to lynch me. I ran away and locked myself in the airport sad and crying,” he said.
“When I got in and came home, I didn’t have a piece of furniture. My daughter was lying on the floor and studying. I was desperate and asked: “Where are the things in the house?” And she said that her mother sent for it. I felt really bad,” he continued.
Ximbinha recalled the moment after Joelma’s divorce. (Photo: Globo / Zé Paulo Cardeal)
After Joelma announced the end of her marriage to Ximbinha, she accused her ex of having extramarital affairs and stated that she was physically assaulted by the music producer. The singer even called for protective measures at the time.
“She put on a protective shield so that I wouldn’t go on stage with her anymore. I managed to break through this protection and when I go on stage I sing five songs to Teresina and she doesn’t continue. Afterwards she comes in crying and people start throwing rocks, cans and bottles at me. It was the saddest and most desperate moment I have ever experienced in my life. It was the band’s last performance. I never said anything. When you see how much I spent on stage. Her fans followed me day after night. They broke into my house to kill me. I had to hide. “It was very difficult,” he commented.
Ximbinha also stated that he alone bears the company’s debts that he had with Joelma after the end of Banda Calypso. “All members have taken the band to court. The company was heavily in debt. Then when I came back to pay off the debt, we discovered that she (Joelma) no longer had anything to her name. She wrote it in the name of her mother, brother and sister. And that debt was owed to me. What remained were all the feelings of guilt, the debts and much more,” he reported.
The artist also pointed out that he is suing his exwife over the use of the name “Calypso” after he felt he “got hit.” “The name Calypso belongs to us. It can only be used with both together. I can’t use it alone, and neither can she. And she, I feel like it was a scam that she gave me, she called the show “This is Calypso,” but she just says “Calypso.” “This is in court,” he explained.
Watch the interview: