Celebrations A grandmother invites her grandson because he doesnt believe

Celebrations: A grandmother invites her grandson because he doesn’t believe in Santa Claus

A grandmother who allegedly excluded her grandson from holiday celebrations to “keep the magic of Christmas alive for other children” because he doesn’t believe in Santa Claus has drawn protest from netizens who disputed his priorities.

“My daughter told us that she would not force her son to lie […] “I told her that they could spend Christmas in her apartment if she didn’t talk to her son,” the anonymous grandmother said on Reddit on Monday, the New York Post reported.

On Monday, the one dubbed “the Grinch of real life” by the American media took to the Internet to seek the opinions of Internet users after she killed her 25-year-old daughter and her grandson, whose age is not even there When he was 10 years old, he said he had grown up without Christmas magic and didn’t believe in Santa Claus.

The problem, she explained in her release, is that the grandmother wants to keep “the magic of the holidays alive” for her two children, ages 9 and 7, from her second marriage.

“I still put gifts marked “from Santa” under the tree and leave out the cookies and reindeer treats (bird seed). […] “My children are old enough to understand when his son decides to say something,” she continued.

However, netizens did not mince their words to express their disagreement and question the grandmother’s priorities.

“For you, the “magic of Christmas” is more important at Christmas than time with your family. Santa Claus doesn’t exist, but your children’s older sister and nephew do. I know what relationship I would prioritize for her and it’s not the jolly old elf,” one wrote.

Others offered solutions to find common ground.

“Could you explain to your children that not everyone believes in Santa Claus and that that is okay? […] Seems like there should be some creative solutions here that don’t make other family members feel unwelcome,” wrote a second with more than 17,000 supporters.