1700838746 Viva Rai2 hot incident live again What happened

Viva Rai2, hot incident live (again): What happened

We know you can expect everything on Fiorello’s morning show. But it must be said that this morning’s red light episode took everyone by surprise…

Published on: November 24, 2023 2:12:00 p.mDeborah Manzoli

Author and editor

Author, copywriter, editor and publicist from Mantua, graduate of literature, film and television studies. She has two books under her belt and absolutely loves writing.

This morning’s episode of the morning show was very special Long live Rai 2. You know, with Rosario Fiorello When conducting, make sure that the antennas are always aligned straight, otherwise anything can happen. However, no one expected to see it at all the hot accident happened in today’s episode when A dancer generally appeared in videos without underwear. But let’s look at what happened in detail.

Red light accident at Viva Rai 2: Half-naked dancer

To restart this offensive video It was Dagospia who immediately pointed this out the hot accident happened on Viva Rai 2 this morning. What happened? We’ll explain it to you right away. As those who usually watch Fiorello’s program know well, there are many present at Viva Rai 2 every day dancer with choreographies and show moments of various kinds.

Well, in today’s episode the dancers were busy a performance on the tennis court of the Foro Italico. Nothing strange so far, the problem was that at a certain point The dancer in the picture was twirling his ballerina around wildly partner to whom She lifted her skirt. Accidents that can happen while dancing (you say). Of course, if only the dancer hadn’t shown it live on television Have nothing under your skirtnot even a piece of underwear.

Oh well, In other words, the dancer showed the B-side to all connected viewers who, whether they wanted to or not, certainly woke up to this unusual and unexpected vision. What is most surprising, however, is that, as Dagospia himself reports, it is not even the first time that Viva Rai 2 has become the protagonist of hot incidents.

Viva Rai2: hot incident, but it’s not the first time

As much as this episode may have caused a stir, It’s not even the first time something like this has happened on Viva Rai 2. In fact, the show had already become the protagonist of a hot incident last year when, while waiting for Viva Rai2 Fiorello had framed a tablet on which viewers noticed a window with red light video.

Accidents on the road or strategy? While the first accident seemed like just an accident, by the second lap many people were wondering what had happened. Certainly the program of Fiorello There’s no need for tricks like that to get people talking, because that’s what it’s all about a very popular programbut when in doubt, “it is a sin to think badly, but sometimes I guessed right.”

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