Carabiner a first Dunsmore Cup that gave Antoine Pruneau great

Carabiner: a first Dunsmore Cup that gave Antoine Pruneau great sensations

Antoine Pruneau, 2016 Gray Cup champion in the Ottawa Rouge et Noir jersey, experienced a first after a very good career in the university, which in particular allowed him to win the title of defensive player par excellence of the RSEQ in 2013, and he wants to experience another one, Saturday at Queen’s.

• Also read: Vanier Cup: The Carabins’ defensive unit shines in an environment where players enjoy a freedom not found everywhere in the world of football

“I experienced great emotions when we won the Dunsmore Cup,” said the defensive coach and assistant defensive coordinator at Université de Montréal Carabins. It came to me to win a first Dunsmore Cup. I tried not to stay in those emotions for too long because we still had two big steps ahead of us.”

“I didn’t win the Dunsmore Cup during my playing career and it’s fun to get a second chance at coaching to follow the former safety who was a first round pick [4e sélection au total] I came from Ottawa in 2014. When I went to the CFL I had a feeling of unfulfilled duty.

After eight seasons in the CFL, Pruneau retired last winter and immediately joined the Carabins team.

“I feel privileged to be a part of this experience and I am grateful for the opportunity I was given,” said Pruneau, who was selected to the 2017 East Division All-Star team. I inherited a well-established group and I can learn from Denis [Touchette]. He had coached me at the Carabins and his presence was crucial when I decided to retire and turn to coaching. He is passionate and an excellent teacher.”

An important adjustment

The father of two young children experienced big changes when he traded his helmet for a whistle.

“These are two completely different lifestyles,” he summarized. I try to do my best, but it is a sport especially for mothers. It’s a learning period and I’ve made some adjustments.”

“I only have a week left until I can return to my fatherly duties and I can’t wait, but we still have a big step ahead of us, which is to pursue Pruneau. My experience this year has confirmed that I have a passion for football. Yes, there is sport, but also the human relationships you build. I’m just strict enough with the boys to keep a line.

It gives the players confidence

Throughout the season, defenders we spoke with praised Pruneau. What is the plum recipe?

“I don’t know what I’m bringing,” he said with a smile. I want to make players realize the extent of their potential and show them that the professional ranks are more accessible than they think. I want to give them a sense of confidence.”

Touchette notes the ingredients that have been added to the Blues’ defensive recipe since Pruneau’s arrival.

“Just like Jean-Samuel Blanc [entraîneur de la ligne défensive]“Antoine has a great attention to detail due to his extensive experience in the CFL,” said the Carabins defensive coordinator. We have made many changes in detail. His vocabulary is appreciated by players. Antoine makes an incredible contribution to both the team and me.”