Ecuador awaits state of emergency expected by Noboa

Ecuador awaits state of emergency expected by Noboa ( )

This Friday, Ecuador waited for the declaration of a state of emergency by the new President Daniel Noboa, who had anticipated this extraordinary measure with the aim of speeding up the processing of two reform projects in the National Assembly (Parliament): taxes and other energy.

Noboa, who took office on Thursday at a ceremony where he succeeded Guillermo Lasso, announced that he was declaring a state of emergency in response to the emergency situation predicted by the occurrence of the El Niño climate phenomenon in the coming weeks will cause flooding in large parts of the country.

Given this, it will seek to urgently implement the two planned reforms in the tax sector (with incentives to create jobs to improve tax revenues) and in the energy sector (to deal with the daily blackouts since the end of October). in the country due to electricity shortage)-

On the other hand, the young president, 35 years old, has not yet issued this emergency decree and, on his first day in office, had a meeting with the executive president of the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), Sergio Díaz Granados.

Noboa, who was accompanied at the meeting by his Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, Gabriela Sommerfeld, thanked for the interest of this international organization to work on the solutions that the country needs and for its ratification, to ensure technical and financial to provide help.

The new president will have a short mandate of just a year and a half to complete the 2021-2025 period, which Lasso interrupted last May by using the “crossed death” with which he dissolved the Assembly with an opposition majority. It is time for that he requested his dismissal and thus forced new elections.

So far, Noboa has appointed 16 ministers and left four portfolios pending appointment, including Home Affairs, Economy and Finance, Women and Human Rights, and Telecommunications and Information Society, whose vacancies he said will be filled on Sunday.

jc (efe, afp)

Takeover in Ecuador

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