“A devastating, terrible situation, that it cannot be described with words“. According to an operator from Juzoor, a humanitarian partner organization Oxfamone of the few still active in the north Gaza Stripdescribes the conditions of those who have left their homes and are now living in schools converted into temporary shelters to escape Israeli army airstrikes. “Introduce 70 people live in a school classroom. How can they sleep? They take turns. There are some people who have the most difficulty Seniors. “Many of them suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. And most of them left their medication at home when they escaped. We estimate that 70% do not have it.” Then there is the psychological aspect. “Everyone is traumatized: elderly people, children, women. All. That’s why we do a lot of activities to try to do this Alleviate suffering from people”.
The story is part of a series of daily statements from Oxfam operators and managers in Gaza that ilfattoquotidiano.it plans to publish. The aim is to provide a daily, first-person report from civilians in Gaza who are currently paying the highest price for the conflict.
THE PETITION – Without an immediate ceasefire, there will be no significant humanitarian aid.
For this reason, Oxfam has made an urgent appeal to the Italian government and European leaders, which you can join at https://www.oxfamitalia.org/petizione-gaza/.