Sanremo 2024 Amadeus announcement of the competing singers on December

Sanremo 2024, Amadeus: announcement of the competing singers on December 3rd, Paola and Chiara, Mattia Stanga and Daniele…

“We are at the hottest point of the festival, many things are closing.” The first, according to Amadeus, is the date when the big names of the competition will be announced: “I can make it official that we will be closing on Sunday the 3rd. December, at 1.30 p.m. in Tg1 will announce the names of the lead singers.” The host and artistic director, guest of the Milan Music Week yesterday, also announced that Paola and Chiara will host the Prima Festival, “an important space that takes place in the has grown a lot over the years, so I thought of two of my dearest friends.” ». Also coming with them as correspondents are TikTokers Mattia Stanga and Daniele Cabras, “two very strong guys on social media that my son introduced me to,” Ama said.

With a view to the 74th festival, which will take place from February 6th to 10th, the host will make the final selection next week – as he anticipated in the podcast “Pezzi – Dentro la musica” by Andrea Laffranchi, Paolo Giordano and Luca Dondoni In the episode, which will be available on Monday, he will take the “crucial” car ride where he will listen to the songs again and decide which ones will stick permanently in his head. This year the applications were unprecedented: “We have exceeded 400 and there are still more coming,” said Amadeus. There are at least 50 songs that I like. The problem is not who to bring with me, but who to take with me.

Rap and trap have been part of the debate about violence against women in recent days: “I have never censored texts. “We must not blame anyone, we must lead by example, a law must be passed urgently and violence against women does not come from the right or the left,” Amadeus said. I know rap and trap, where unpleasantness is shouted through the music, then that doesn’t justify violence and I also tell them that a bit of sensitivity is necessary: ​​protest is okay, violence is not.”

Amadeus confirmed that it would not return to Sanremo in 2025, then warned that in 2024 “it will be very late, it does not close before 2am”. On the guest front, he said like last year: “There are no Italian super guests, my super guests are the singers in the competition.” Whoever is on stage, like Marco Mengoni, sings “Due vite” and plays a very nice medley , automatically becomes a super guest, but I’ll use someone who is already part of the festival.”

International guests? “They are not a fundamental step. If it fits, at a reasonable price, because these are no longer the days when you can pay whatever amount you want, maybe yes, but I don’t think more than two.”