Maria Beltrao cries live and reveals coverage that left her

Maria Beltrão cries live and reveals coverage that left her sleepless for days Splash

Maria Beltrão cried live during the performance of É De Casa, in conversation with actress Tatiana Tiburcio. The presenter stated that she hadn’t slept for days because of the reporting.

Of all the journalistic experiences, there was one that had a great impact on me, and that was the death of a sixyearold child, Miguel. There was a child who fell from a building in Recife and was with his mother’s boss. And anyway, it was a terrible thing. That was one of the things that shaped me most about journalistic reporting. I remember not sleeping for a long time.
Maria Beltrao

The presenter praised Tatiana Tiburcio’s performance. “I was struck that at a certain point during your presentation I forgot that you were an actress,” recalls Beltrão.

Tatiana said she put herself in Mirtes’ shoesand who at no point tried to connect it with the loss of his son João Tiburcio.

Of course, every mother, black, indigenous, white, understands what a pain this is. But in the pain of these mothers who are black and have to take their children to work or leave them at home, there is understanding on another level just as I often stayed home alone so my mother could work to care for one’s child care for others. There is a place there that connects us. All of these children are also a small part of us. It was racism that murdered Miguel.
Tatiana Tiburcio