1700932348 Romina Power and the difficult relationship with her mother in

Romina Power and the difficult relationship with her mother in law | It happened every time she got pregnant Spetteguless

Romina Power – Spetteguless.it

The singer loves talking about things from the past that have affected her life and her family. This time Romina Power spoke about a person who is no longer with us, but who left a deep mark on her: her beloved mother-in-law, the mother of Al Bano Carrisi.

Lately, Romina talked about living with Ms. Jolanda who at some point became a kind of second mother for her, no longer just a mother-in-law. Al Bano’s mother was known to the general public precisely because the singer often took her with him on his travels around the world. The two had a wonderful relationship and Al Bano often included the woman in his numerous television interviews, especially those that took place live at his Cellino San Marco estate.

In a recent interview with very correctRomina again speaks positively about the woman who died in 2019. The singer made some unpublished confessions about her relationship and her habits.

Romina Power talks about her mother-in-law: what she did when she got pregnant

How was your relationship with Jolanda? Romina Power answers Toffanin bluntly, remembering that at first The woman didn’t trust her. Actresses and show business women in general did not enjoy a good reputation at that time: they were not considered women capable of raising a family and being good mothers. Above all, they considered themselves to be very liberal. Jolanda wanted her and Al Bano to have only two children. After the first two actually Every time she revealed to the woman that she was pregnant again, Jolanda used very nice dialect expressions.

Romina Power and Jolanda

Romina Power and Jolanda – Spetteguless.it

It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last time either Romina will talk about her beloved mother-in-law. Some time ago, in an episode of Today is Another Day, Romina revealed how grateful she was for the help Jolanda gave her in raising her four children. Without her everything would have been more difficult. She also revealed a gesture from the woman that once again showed how much she cared about her and how much she would have liked to have always seen her and Al Bano together: in 2013, when the duo finally got together again after years to sing together, was theThe woman wanted to pay for the ticket to Moscow for a front row seat as a fan and not as a relative.

That day, Al Bano’s mother hugged Romina and kissed her deeply, proving that she had always carried her in her heart. Many are wondering whether Al Bano’s current partner also has a similar bond with Jolanda. Maybe one day Loredana will also talk about her relationship with her mother-in-law.