1701004038 In Rome dogs also have their gourmet restaurant

In Rome, dogs also have their gourmet restaurant

The Roman restaurant “Fiuto” has an upscale atmosphere: dim lighting, lounge music and attentive staff. In short, a business like many others, except that dogs are welcome here on an equal footing with their owners.

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The section of the menu dedicated to them is spoiled for choice: from hake with ricotta and zucchini to minced chicken with puree and the veggie bowl. For drinks, you can opt for green apple and watermelon extract.

In Rome, dogs also have their gourmet restaurant


“The menu was studied with a veterinary nutritionist with whom we determined the ingredients taking into account their allergies, since dogs have many more allergies than humans,” explains Luca Grammatico, dog trainer and trainer, to AFP. Master Chef of The restaurant opened a month ago.

The guests seem to like it: not a single bark, everyone concentrates on their designer bowls and sits comfortably in fleece baskets. Pepe, a four-year-old black and white Bichon, licks his bowl down to the last crumb.

In Rome, dogs also have their gourmet restaurant


Pets “are part of our family, so why not treat them like family?” says Sara Nicosanti as she takes a selfie with Mango, her five-year-old Jack Russell, in the room with mirrored walls.

The 36-year-old real estate agent says she is “very happy” with the large selection on the menu “because they can at least eat a balanced diet.”

In Rome, dogs also have their gourmet restaurant


“Without spices, without salt and without oils,” insists the bearded chef with the laughing eyes, even if he wants to offer dishes “in a slightly more refined form” with veloutés and a presentation effort like this to bring it into shape Bones, he emphasizes in the kitchen.

birthday cake

Surprisingly, “fish is very popular because it has a different taste than the usual food,” observes Luca.

It’s a party tonight: Romina Lanza, a 40-year-old lawyer, came to celebrate her dog Rudy’s fourth birthday. She sees “Fiuto” (“Flair” in Italian) as “a very welcome initiative”. Even if famine threatens part of humanity? She defends “a personal decision”: “I don’t see anything wrong with it.”

In Rome, dogs also have their gourmet restaurant


An opinion shared by Maria Gliottone, a twenty-year-old student who discovered the existence of the place on TikTok and came with Nala, her two-year-old dog, and her friend Douglas, a four-month-old Corsican puppy: only “those who don’t have a dog think the.”

The idea of ​​​​creating this restaurant in the heart of the Ponte Milvio district, rich in bars and restaurants aimed at a wealthy public, came by chance to three fashionable young men.

“To be honest, we didn’t expect this boom. “We are of course super happy and are especially pleased to be able to offer our four-legged friends this experience,” says Marco Turano, 33, one of the co-founders.

Since it opened, the restaurant has welcomed an average of six to ten dogs every evening during the week and ten to fifteen dogs on weekends, at a price per head of between eight and twenty euros, depending on size.

The layout of the restaurant has been thought out down to the smallest detail: “We have installed privacy walls (between the tables, editor’s note) so that the dogs cannot see each other while eating and do not disturb each other by intruding into their respective rooms.” , explains Marco.

In addition to his surprise gift, Rudy is also treated to a birthday cake, “a cheese cookie with ricotta and green apple as the final flavor.”