“Avanti Popolo”, the program hosted by Rai3, ends earlier than expected Nunzia de Girolamo. With the departure of Bianca Berlinguer and her Cartabianca, who moved to Mediaset this summer, public television needed a program that would cover Tuesday evenings. The choice fell on the former Honorable Member of the Republic, but the results were not the desired ones. The competition on this television evening was fierce and De Girolamo himself came into conflict with Berlinguer, who also managed to cover this slot on Mediaset. But this evening there is also Dimartedì, the political talk by Giovanni Floris on La7.
It was not an easy start for De Girolamo, who also started late compared to her direct competitors, although in the first episode she tried to influence the public with a family policy interview by inviting her husband, the honorary member the Democratic Party Francesco Boccia. The response from the public was rather lukewarm, and even after a few weeks the company did not achieve the audience ratings required by the company, remaining at around 3%. An insufficient percentage for the investment, lower than what Berlinguer achieved last year on the same network.
Therefore, the program, which should have ended in May 2024, will be stopped earlier and will not be reconfirmed in Rai’s winter plans. The doors of the world could be opening again for Nunzia De Girolamo Flagship Network, where until last year he successfully hosted “Ciao Maschio” late on Saturday evenings. It is not yet known whether he will take on this project or whether he will be entrusted with another program, although the first hypothesis seems to be the most realistic.
Not even “The Merchant at the Fair” is on the program Pino Teach, but for different reasons. As was expected from the beginning, the Rai2 access primetime program should end in December 2023. The presenter was actually supposed to host “L’Eredità” on Rai1. Therefore, the game broadcast on the Rai cadet network will not be suspended, but will come to a natural conclusion, without extensions, depending on Insegno’s upcoming commitments that make the flow of the daily program incompatible.