Which day will be the luckiest for each zodiac sign

Which day will be the luckiest for each zodiac sign in astrology this week

When you believe that everything in your path is for your greatest good, you also enter a space where you can make any dream a reality. Believing that every detour, even every rejection, only serves a larger plan means that no matter what happens, you will never give off the vibration of defeat or hopelessness. By embracing this energy, you embody not only divine happiness, but also what it means to cooperate with the universe to achieve everything you desire.

The Full Moon in Gemini opposes the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius, creating a back and forth between what you’re used to and pushing in a completely different direction. Gemini is a sign of duality, represented by the twins, who represent your human and earthly selves, your higher self and that of your soul. Sagittarius reminds you of distant possibilities and goals that have not yet been explored.

Although it may be difficult for Gemini to open up and try something different, it is encouraged for them, just like you are in this madness. There is a new direction or opportunity awaiting you, but until now something has stood in the way of your pursuit. Maybe it’s your fears, the opinions of others, or external limitations that you need to respect. Yet you have an inner feeling that this is something you should do.

While Gemini and Sagittarius are locked in a dynamic of attraction and inspiration, the Moon opposes Saturn in Pisces, encouraging you to start implementing what you’ve learned since Saturn stationed retrograde in June – around the same time like the new moon in Gemini. Now that Saturn is direct and the Gemini full moon is rising in the sky, it’s time to embody the lessons you should learn so you can begin to anchor your dreams in the reality needed to make them happen to make it reality. And even though it may take some time, remember that the best things always work out.

Which day will be the luckiest for each zodiac sign in astrology this week?


(March 21 – April 19)

Happiest day: Friday, December 1st

Leading Energy: Mercury in Capricorn, your career house

This week, align closely with your dreams as you embark on a new chapter in your career. Mercury moves into Capricorn, bringing increased conversations about new opportunities, advancements, and promotions. Make the most of this energy by applying for new jobs or crafting a proposal for that business venture you’ve always dreamed of.

Everything is ready for you to enter a new, amazing chapter of your life in 2024 with the new solar eclipse cycle and Pluto finally leaving Earth sign Capricorn. Take the time now to start planning for the success you want and the career that fulfills your soul.

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(April 20 – May 20)

Happiest day: Friday, December 1st

Leading Energy: Mercury in Capricorn, your house of luck

Capricorn energy governs the themes of happiness, abundance, expansion and travel, helping to bring many new opportunities into your life. Mercury, the communication planet in Capricorn, helps you discuss, negotiate and entertain new possibilities for your future, such as: E.g. remote work, a digital nomad job or going back to school to finally get the position you really want.

While Mercury is currently in the lead-up to its upcoming retrograde, use this as an opportunity to move forward for the new year. Think about what you feel called to do and what ideas you have. You can also build a positive connection with someone for your future by meeting them while traveling. When you open yourself to new possibilities, you will be full of possibilities.

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(May 21 – June 20)

Happiest day: Monday, November 27th

Leading Energy: Full Moon in Gemini, your area of ​​self

The full moon in Gemini rises in your zodiac sign this week, bringing a moment of brightness to your journey this year. Gemini energy determines your self-esteem and what beliefs drive your decisions. This Full Moon will bring the events of June 18th to fruition as you will be guided to honor your inner truth more deeply than before.

As you enter this new chapter of truth and authenticity, let yourself shine fully and be seen for who you are, because only then will the right people find you. Be open to opportunities surrounding this full moon, especially those that seem like you will need to grow into them to fully receive what is being offered to you.

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(June 21st – July 22nd)

Happiest day: Monday, November 27th

Leading Energy: Full Moon in Gemini, your house of dreams

Give yourself some rest under the active Gemini full moon as you tune into your inner self and the dreams you may have left behind. As you prepare to end one year and begin a new one, know that the next phase of your life is about achieving your dreams. To prepare, try keeping a journal of some dreams for yourself or your life that you haven’t yet focused on achieving.

Let this craziness shine a bright light on what you want to pursue, because your dreams are not just wishes or hopes, but divine ideas that you are meant to put into action. By honoring this part of you, you can become more attuned to the universe and attract what you truly desire for your life.

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(July 23rd – August 22nd)

Happiest day: Friday, December 1st

Leading Energy: Mercury in Capricorn, your house of devotion

Capricorn energy rules your house of devotion, which includes the area of ​​your life that determines your daily routines. As much as you are filled with passion for what you want to create, you often tend to get so deeply involved in so many things that you don’t know which direction to take. By focusing and embracing the energy of Mercury in Capricorn, you can be sure that you are choosing the path that leads to success.

Mercury is about communication, while Capricorn’s energy asks you to embrace your persistence, commitment, and any changes to your routine to make significant progress. Focus on what matters most to you and then build your life around that.

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(August 23 – September 22)

Happiest day: Monday, November 27th

Leading Energy: Full moon in Gemini, your career house

The full moon in Gemini rises in your career house, bringing to light a powerful moment in your professional life. Remember June 18th when you were asked to sow seeds for what you hoped to reap under the Gemini New Moon. Now try to figure out what has come to the surface since then and be open to new possibilities as Gemini tends to be a very active sign.

This is an area of ​​your life that will continue to evolve over the next year, but now is the time to embrace the positive changes you have created in this area, along with what else you want to do. By focusing your energy and knowing that success is yours, you can make the most of every opportunity.

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(September 23rd – October 22nd)

Happiest day: Monday, November 27th

Leading Energy: Full Moon in Gemini, your sector of abundance and expansion

Gemini energy rules your house of happiness, abundance and expansion as you are led out of your comfort zone and begin to respect once again what you want from your life. During this full moon in Gemini, spend a moment journaling about what happened around the new moon on June 18th and what has now come to fruition. This is an area of ​​your life that you will particularly focus on in the coming year. For now, however, it’s enough to simply raise your awareness of what you want – and what you need to do to achieve it.

Although this is an area of ​​your life that will evolve over the next year, try to also be open to new possibilities during this time. You might receive a notification about a business trip or a great retreat. Trust that whatever comes your way during this time is meant for you.

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(October 23rd – November 21st)

Happiest day: Friday, December 1st

Leading Energy: Mercury in Capricorn, your house of communication

Capricorn energy governs your house of communication, which includes both the words you speak and those you think and write. Mercury is the planet that rules this topic, so this is a particularly powerful time for you to view your words as the ability to shape the future you dream of. With every conversation and every thought, you are sowing the seeds for what you hope will grow and manifest.

Even though Mercury is currently in the lead-up to its upcoming retrograde, you can still harness the energy of earth sign Capricorn to ensure you are only expressing what you want to bring into being. During this time, pay attention to your self-talk and practice positive affirmations to encourage growth and hope in the months ahead.

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(November 22nd – December 21st)

Happiest day: Friday, December 1st

Leading Energy: Mercury in Capricorn, your sense of value and self-esteem

When it comes to self-esteem, most people in your life would never guess that this is an area where you are often called to grow. Just because it doesn’t look like it from the outside doesn’t mean it isn’t true. But as Pluto has spent the last thirteen years here in this area of ​​your life, you should also be at the point of completing an important lesson that will open you up to receiving everything you have wanted from life.

Capricorn energy determines how you feel and determines everything you can create. Tune into Mercury as it moves into this Capricorn and make sure you respect your inner worth in the conversations and agreements you make with others. By ensuring you only put your energy into what you deserve, you create a new energetic vibration for your life.

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(December 22nd – January 19th)

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Happiest day: Monday, November 27th

Leading Energy: Full Moon in Gemini, your area of ​​focus and well-being

The Full Moon in Gemini rises in your area of ​​focus and well-being, helping you prioritize and take care of your own needs. As a zodiac sign that tends to be extremely career and success-oriented, it is crucial to take a break and a moment of reflection about how you care for yourself. Taking a break, seeking solitude, or scheduling a spa appointment will ensure you’re on top of everything you want to do.

The full moon in Gemini completes a cycle that began in June 2023. Therefore, you may also want to make longer-term changes to your daily routine so that you can also focus on all aspects of your health. Even if it seems foreign to you, try to honor this part of yourself because it will also create a whole new definition of what success really means.

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(January 20th – February 18th)

Happiest day: Friday, December 1st

Leading Energy: Mercury in Capricorn, your house of intuition

They may not always be considered the most intuitive sign; However, you have a deep connection to the universe that you must honor to ensure you move the way you are meant to. As Mercury moves into earth sign Capricorn, this area of ​​your life will be illuminated, helping you live with your intuition – and make a plan to follow it and achieve your dreams.

Be aware that Mercury is currently in the lead-up to its upcoming retrograde journey and this will be a process that will carry you through the new year. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start now, right where you are. Use this to honor, affirm, and reconnect with the divine spirit within you so that you can truly reach for the stars and make every dream a reality in the coming year.

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(February 19th – March 20th)

Happiest day: Friday, December 1st

Leading Energy: Mercury in Capricorn, your house of community and support

You tend to be one of those personalities where you seem extroverted but are introverted. You long for companionship and friends, but depending on the energy you have, you can get tired quickly – but you mustn’t forget how much you need people to help you along the way. Use the energy of Mercury in Capricorn to reach out to others, expand your social circle, and learn that being surrounded by the right people can make all the difference.

Not only will your community provide you with the support you need, but there may also be some exciting new opportunities this week that you might hear about from a friend or colleague. By reaching out to others, embracing that extroverted energy, and being vulnerable about what you need, you can get the exact support and offer you’ve been needing. Remember that if you don’t speak up, you may never be asked.

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Kate Rose is an author, spiritual astrologer, relationship and life intuitive consultant and retreat curator. You can find more information about her work on her website.