Meteo au Quebec veille d039orages violents sur certains secteurs jeudi

Today’s weather: snow and rain in Quebec

Quebec will be surrounded by two low pressure systems that will sweep across the province on Monday, with heavy snow falling mainly in Quebec, but rainy conditions elsewhere.

“Regions to the west, the Laurentians and central Quebec could receive several centimeters of snow Monday morning,” Environment Canada said on its website Monday.

The only downside is that temperatures will be pleasant, especially in southern Quebec, where highs can reach 7 degrees with rain.

Snow could remain a few centimeters on the ground in areas of western Quebec, while temperatures will remain above seasonal norms.

In Montreal, the rain could stop by midday, giving way to cloudy and windy weather with gusts of 50 km/h, but the temperature will rise.

However, the situation is expected to worsen in Quebec, where up to 20 centimeters of snow will fall by midday, according to a special federal weather report.

“Snowfall totaling 15 to 20 cm is expected from tonight until Monday afternoon,” said the federal agency, which expects a difficult rush hour on the roads.

In certain areas in the center of the province, such as Estrie and Mauricie, snow mixes with rain when temperatures are pleasant.

Certain sectors of eastern Quebec will instead get 15 to 20 centimeters of snow, particularly in the Lower North Shore and Gaspésie, where certain sectors will also face strong wind gusts of up to 90 km/h, according to forecasts from the federal agency.